Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Hey everyone. This is a reminder that your homework is to read the Revolutions worksheet and place the events of the French Revolution within the framework of the worksheet. Please email me with any questions.

Also, your test is going to be the Thursday you get back from the holiday break. You will have a study guide to work on during the break.

Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Napoleon's Downfall

Hey everyone! I hope everyone is having a great weekend! Last class we discussed Napoleon Bonaparte's domestic policy and how he extended freedom and improved his relationship with the Catholic Church, but also increased his power and imposed strict restrictions within France.

For homework, you are going to read about his foreign policy and what happened that led to his downfall. Please read pp. 668-671 and take notes (especially on the Continental System, Peninsular War, invasion of Russia, and the Hundred Days). Please email me if you have any questions. Have a great rest of the weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Hey everyone! I apologize for the late notice! As I discussed with you yesterday, the homework is to read the skit about Napoleon and to write down information how he changed France. We will continue our discussion on Napoleon tomorrow.

Our test will be on the Thursday we come back from holiday break. Please begin to study! Have a great night!

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Public Executions

Hey everyone! Yesterday we discussed the period in between the March on Versailles and the Reign of Terror. We specifically looked at the usage of the guillotine in keeping order during the Reign of Terror. For homework, you are to read more about the Reign of Terror and research a country that still uses public executions. I do not want anyone to find pictures or videos of executions; this is not the point of the assignment. You have to find a country that still uses public executions and write a short summary on why they use this type of punishment. What is the point for these executions within the country?

Please email me if you have any questions. Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Friday, December 2, 2011

Declaration of the Rights of Man

Hey everyone! Today we discussed the old regime of France and the various estates within the French hierarchy system. We discussed the inequality and the poverty within French society, and we also debated whether King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette should be blamed for their own execution.

We left class with the idea that Louis XVI calls the Estates-General to propose a tax on the nobles. The inequality within this system allowed the 3rd Estate to be outvoted by the 1st and 2nd Estates. The 3rd Estate began to pressure for reform, and when the King refused, they proclaimed themselves the National Assembly and began to write their own constitutiion.

The document I handed to you for homework is called the Declaration of the Rights of Man, which is a statesment of ideals and values that the National Assembly believes should be important within French society. Please read the document and answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper:

1.) The slogan of the French Revolution is going to be "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity." How are these ideals expressed within this declaration?

2.) What classic ideas of the Enlightenment do you find expressed in this declaration?

3.) Compare elements expressed in this declaration with the elements in the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

4.) How do the ideals expressed in this declaration contrast with the realities of the old social hierarchy of France?

Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Friday, November 18, 2011

Enlightenment Effects

Hey everyone! Today we continued to debate some controversial topics from the Enlightenment. The philosophes that we discussed had a huge impact on the world. These ideas are going to alter politics in Asia and Europe. Also, the ideas are going to influence various revolutions such as the American, French, and Latin American Revolutions. Lastly, the Enlightenment is going to persuade some that all people in the world should have equal rights. Women's rights, abolition, and the abolition of serfdom are going to begin to be a focus in the 18th and 19th centuries.

For homework, you are to read the four primary source documents that I handed out: the Declaration of Independence, a diagram of our checks and balance system, the MA petition, and a letter from Mary Wollstonecraft. Please read the documents and write one paragraph for each document explaining how the Enlightenment influenced the views represented. There should be a total of four paragraphs when you are finished.

Please email me if you have any questions. Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

P.S.- Your next test is going to be on Wednesday, November 30. Please begin to study!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hobbes and Locke

Hey everyone. Today we discussed basic information on the Enlightenment and two of the most important individuals within the movement: Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. For homework, you are to write a skit about what would happen if these two met. What would their conversation be like? How would they feel towards one another? You must include information on their beliefs and it must be creative! This is the type of conversation that I DO NOT want:

Hobbes: I believe in this.
Locke: Oh. I believe in this.
Hobbes: Interesting. I also believe this.

This is not creative and is not acceptable! You need to be creative! Where do they meet? What feelings do they have towards each other. What type of personality does each have?

If you have any questions, please email me. We will finish our debates and discussion on the Enlightenment tomorrow. Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Spain and Absolute Monarchies

Hey everyone! I hope everyone is having a great weekend! This is a reminder that you are to complete the worksheet based on he section on the top of the page. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Friday, October 28, 2011

Slavery in the Americas

Hey everyone! Yesterday we discussed details on the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. We learned as previous forms of labor (Native Americans and indentured servants) began to decrease in the New World, Europeans began to look elsewhere for labor. They found this in the already existing slave trade in Africa.

We learned that the overwhelming majority of African slaves were kidnapped during wars within Africa and sold to the Europeans for certain goods (i.e., weapons, alcohol, etc.). We also learned that these slaves endured a harsh journey across the Atlantic Ocean (Middle Passage) in which many died due to the harsh conditions. Only about 5-6% of these Africans were transported into North America.

For homework, you are to read about the conditions of slaves in both Latin America and North America. I want you to draw a T-Chart and describe slave conditions for each. We will discuss during next class.

Also, you will have your test on Wednesday. Please begin to study. The study guide will be due on the day of the test.

Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

American Colonies

Hey everyone. This is a reminder that you will be reading pp. 561-565 for homework. Please take notes on the reading, but do not copy the textbook word for word. Please read the section and summarize in your own words.

Also, your second test is going to be held on next Wednesday. Please begin studying now. Your study guide will be handed to you during class tomorrow.

Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Current Events

Hey everyone. I hope you all are having a great weekend! This is just a reminder that you have a current events assignment due on Tuesday. All you have to do is find a current event that is similar with a topic that we have discussed in class. For example, you may find a current event on a recent outbreak of swine flu (which you can make connections to the outbreak of the Black Death). The connection can be related to any topic we have discussed throughout the year.
Once you find your current event, you must write two paragraphs on the event. The first paragraph should be a summary of the news article. USE YOUR OWN WORDS TO MAKE THIS SUMMARY. The second paragraph should be how the news story connects to a topic we learned in class.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Columbian Exchange

Hey everyone. This is a reminder that you will be having a quiz tomorrow on the Age of Exploration. This quiz will span Zheng He up to the Columbian Exchange. Please study!

Also, you are to read the article on the Columbian Exchange. If you choose to, you can complete the extra credit assignment that is attached to the article. This extra credit assignment will be due next Tuesday.

Have a great day everyone!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Portuguese Explorers

Hey everyone. Yesterday we discussed the various motivations of European explorers, the new technology that explorers used aboard their Portuguese caravels, and the living conditions on the boats.

For homework, you are a Portuguese sailor who is writing home to your family. You must describe to them why you are going, new tools that you are using, and your conditions on the boat. Please do not restate information from class. Give these people personality and describe how you believe a Portuguese sailor may have felt on a voyage.

Email me with any questions. Have a great night!

~Mr. Mazur

Friday, October 7, 2011

Zheng He and Columbus Day

Hey everyone! I wish everyone a great weekend and a Happy Columbus Day! Yesterday we discussed the significance of the Ming Dynasty and Zheng He's expeditions. We also discussed the possibility of the Chinese arriving in the Americas before the expeditions of Christopher Columbus.

For homework, you are to read the news article of the Singapore exhibit feauturing treasures from Zheng He's expeditions. Once you read it, please write a paragraph arguing whether Americans should celebrate Columbus Day. Use evidence to bolster your argument. If you believe we should celebrate the holiday, please write your paragraph disproving the evidence given in the article. If you do not believe we should celebrate the holiday, use evidence from the article to prove your point. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Protestant Religion Comparisons

This is a reminder that our test is on next Tuesday, October 4. Please complete the study guide by the day of the test and email me with any questions.

Next class we are going to pick up where we left off and continue with how the Catholic Church responded to the spread of Protestant religions.

For those that were not able to do the homework (my mistake), please read pp. 490-494 and take notes on the topic (spread of Luther's ideas and Henry VIII).

Periods 7-8: Your homework is to complete the Venn diagrams comparing and contrasting the beliefs of the Lutherans, Anglicans, and the Calvinists.

Have a great day!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Protestant Reformation Spreads

Hey everyone! I hope everyone is having a great day and you are all excited about your trip to Kean tomorrow (Friday). Yesterday we discussed the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. We discussed the corruption of the Catholic Church during the time period and the influence of Martin Luther. Next class we will be discussing other reformers of the time period and the Counter-Reformation.

For homework, you are to read pp. 290-294 in your textbooks and take notes. The topic of the reading is the spread of Lutheranism and the establishment of the Anglican Church.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

P.S.- I also want to remind everyone that our first test is going to be on October 4. This includes everything we talked about from the beginning of the year (except September 11) up to what we talk about on next Tuesday (the Counter-Reformation). Please begin studying!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Northern Renaissance

Hey everyone! I apologize for the late posting. As we know, last class we discussed the Greek and Roman influences on various ideas during the Renaissance (art, architecture, physical fitness, and literature). As these ideas progressed, they began to spread northward (especially with the invention of the printing press).

For homework, I have given you a packet of Northern works of art, including paintings, poetry, and architecture. In the spaces provides, you need to tell me what Italian Renaissance ideas influenced each piece.

Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Beginning of the Renaissance

Hey everyone! I hope everyone had a great time at the Ice Cream Social! Last class we discussed why the Renaissance happened when and where it did and how it changed art. For homework, you are to research a piece of artwork from the Renaissance and explain what the artist is trying to convey to the viewer and how it is different from Medieval art. Please do not analyze artwork that we already discussed. Also, please make sure you print out the artwork and bring it in. Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Black Death

Hey everyone! Today we discussed the effects of the Black Death on European society. We analyzed maps and various primary sources to determine the outcome of the plague. Your homework assignment is below (based on the class you are in).

Periods 3-4: You are to read the last page of the packet (quotes on the effect of the plague). Please write a sentence or two to summarize each primary quote and answer the questions on the bottom of the page.

Periods 7-8: You are to write two journal entries based on the info we have learned in class. Write the entries as if you are living during the 14th century outbreak. What is happening around you? Please write about it within two journal entries.

Have fun! Next class we begin talking about the Italian Renaissance!

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Hello everybody! Again, it was great to meet everyone yesterday. This is just a reminder that the homework is to cover your textbooks and to get the syllabus signed by a parent/guardian. Please let me know if you have any questions!

~Mr. Mazur

Friday, June 3, 2011

Mao Zedong

Hey everyone! This homework is for my B Day classes. You are to read the article on Mao Zedong and answer these questions:

1.) How did Mao Zedong change society?

2.) How did Mao Zedong plan to improve the economy of China

3.) How did Mao Zedong solidify his power within China?

4.) What is the Cultural Revolution and its significance?

Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Friday, May 27, 2011

Election Results

Hey everyone! I hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day weekend!

First, I would like to say how proud that I am of everyone who ran for Student Council. Everyone's dedication to the cause was fantastic and it really was amazing how much effort everyone put into their campaigns. Posters were fantastic and speeches were inspiring. When I counted the ballots, I can also say that the election was extremely close and that everyone that ran really would have done a fantastic job and were worthy of the position that they were running for.

With that said, Student Council for next year is:

President: Deyanira Bazan
Vice President: Justine Plummer
Secretary: Megan Dougherty
Treasurer: Nijah Green
Public Relations: Amber Chabus, Amanda Valazquez, and Amirah Whitfield
Historians: Ryan Kelly and Claire Meehan

Have a great rest of the weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

World War II and Test

Hey everyone. This is just a reminder that your homework is to read pp. 931-935 and pp. 940-947 and complete the worksheet that I have handed out. I will check this next class.

Also, your air raid projects are due next class. Please make sure you complete this and email me if you have any questions.

Lastly, your test is going to be on Thursday (B Day) and Friday (A Day) of next week. Please complete the study guide and hand it in on the day of the test. For A Day students, I have emailed you the study guide. If you have any questions or would like any clarification on any topics, please feel free to email me or stay during co-curricular or after school.

Have a great Memorial Day! Congratulations to all of the Freshmen who ran for a position in Freshmen Student Council!

~Mr. Mazur

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Air Raid Writing Assignment

Hey everyone! I hope everyone is having a great weekend! During last couple classes, we discussed the impact that World War II had on ordinary citizens. We discussed the beliefs of the Nazi Party in Germany, the result of the Blitz on British citizens, and the impact of the attack of Pearl Harbor on the United States. For homework during the next week, you are to write a short story or scene relating to the air raids and the emotional impact that these had on ordinary citizens. Please read the assignment details on the project worksheet and email me if you have any questions. Remember that the assignment will be due on May 31 and June 1 (whichever day I see your class after Memorial Day).

Have a great rest of the weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Journal Entry: Pre-WWII

Hey everyone. Today we discussed how a country's beliefs influences their actions during wartime. We looked at several instances before World War II: Japan during the Nanking Massacre, Italy and Germany in their expansion in Africa and Europe, and Great Britain and France in their appeasement of Nazi Germany.

For homework, you are to make a journal entry and take the role of someone who was living during one of the events we discussed. You can take on the role of a Nanking citizen or a Japanese soldier during the Nanking massacre, a Jewish citizen of Austria during the Anschluss, a British citizen responding to his/her country's actions toward Germany, etc.

Please make sure the journal entry is appropriate. Remember that this is a school assignment.

Have a great rest of the weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Stalin and the Soviet Union

Today we discussed how Vladimir Lenin began transforming Russia after the Russian Revolution in 1917. We discussed how he instituted a policy with a mix of capitalism and communism (New Economic Policy) in order to stabilize the war-torn economy. When Lenin died, the newly formed Soviet Union was passed down to Josef Stalin (his general secretary).

For homework, you are to read pp. 874-879 in your textbook and fill in the graphic organizer that I handed out at the end of class. We will be starting World War II during next class.

Have a great weekend and congratulations to the dancers for a fantastic show!

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, May 2, 2011

Rise of World Dicatators

Hey everyone! Today we reviewed the Treaty of Versailles and discussed briefly the economic effects that it had on Europe (especially Germany). For homework, I gave you a specific leader to research. As we know, many radical political parties are going to rise because of the severe economic hardships within Europe. For homework, you are to research your person and explain within a paragraph or two how and why that person rose to power. The three people are:

1.) Adolf Hitler
2.) Benito Mussolini
3.) Emperor Hirohito

For those of you that did not do well on the pop quiz today, this is a sign that you should study the information. A great strategy is to study a little every day so that you do not forget the information. Also, remember that if you have any questions, email me or see me after class! Lastly, if you missed a class, it is your responsibility to get the work you have missed. There is no excuses that you did not learn the material! It is your responsibility when you are absent!

Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Friday, April 29, 2011

Periods 7-8 (A and B Day): Treaty of Versailles

This message is only for the Periods 7-8 classes for both A and B Days. It does not include Periods 9-10!

In 1918 (a year after Russia withdrew from the war and the United States entered), Germany began to crumble under economic and social problems. The Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary are defeated, and Germans began to mutiny against the German government. Therefore, Germany surrenders in 1918.

The Treaty of Versailles is a document that officially ended World War I. For homework, I want you to read the document and summarize in your own words. How do Great Britain, France, and the United States treat the defeated nations? What do they do?

If you have any questions on this challenging read, please feel free to email me! Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Trench Monologue

Hey everyone. Today we learned about the horrors of WWI by learning about trench warfare and how new technology changed the way wars were fought. For homework, you are to write a 2-minute monologue of a soldier during WWI. This monologue can take place within the trenches or after he arrives back home. He can be talking to someone else or talking to himself. The monologue should somehow include the conditions that he encountered in the trench and the horrors of warfare during WWI. This is going to be worth 10 points and will be graded on creativity and usage of the information that we learned about in class. You should include at least three weapons that we learned in class.

Lastly, DO NOT just spit back the information in monologue form. For example, do not say "we at first used pistols to shoot at other planes. This changed when we started using machine guns. We did not have ejection seats at first. We were supposed to be used for reconnaissance" if you are talking about aces. This is just spitting back information that I told you. I want you to use EMOTION and CHARACTERIZATION! Some questions to consider: who are you talking to? Why are you delivering this monologue? How does your character feel about what he is describing?

A good example would be "I was a fighter pilot in the so called Great War. I went up into the skies not even knowing whether I was going to come down alive. We used to take bricks up with us and use them in games where we would try to drop them on the enemy positions. Eventually the enemies would get a hold of our positions and we would brace for a circus show of high flying trapeze acts, trying to shoot the enemy plane out of the sky. I can still feel the wind blowing against me and the dread and fear that I may be next to join in a long list of victims of the Red Baron, the most hated German ace that ever lived."

Good luck!

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Technology of WWI Research Paper

Hey everyone! Today we discussed the causes of World War I (MANIA). I will print out the last section of the PowerPoint (the order of declarations of war) and hand it to everyone when we return from Spring Break.

For homework, you are going to research at least 3 forms of technology and weaponry used during WWI. You are to write a one-page paper (no less than the full page) on how each piece of technology was used and why it was so important to warfare. Describe what it is and how it is used.

If you have any questions, please email me! Have a great Spring Break!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Imperialism Test

Hey everyone. In class, we are watching the movie "Invictus," and movie detailing Nelson Mandela's struggle to unite the country of South Africa after apartheid. Please make sure you are answering the questions on the handout during the movie.

Your test is going to be next week on Tuesday (B Day) and and Wednesday (A Day). Please complete the study guide for your test day (10 points).

Have a great week!

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Day: India v. Pakistan

Hey everyone! Today we discussed how British imperialism eventually led to Indian independence in August of 1947. With the help of Gandhi's idea of civil disobedience, many Indians began to embrace resisting the British through peaceful means. When the British finally released India from imperialism, conflict intensified between the Hindus and the Muslims of the area. Therefore, before relinquishing control, the British government divided India up into 2 territories (the 2nd being Pakistan, which consisted mostly of Muslims). Conflicts still exist between the two countries.

Your homework is to research the current events relating to this topic. What is the relationship between India and Pakistan today? How do they feel about each other? Is there still armed conflict between the two countries?

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

B Day: British Imperialism in Africa

Hey everyone. This is just a reminder that your homework is to read textbook pp.791-795 and answer #1-8 on p. 795.

Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Day: British Imperialism in India

Hey everyone. This is just a reminder that your homework is to read textbook pp.791-795 and answer #1-8 on p. 795. Also remember that we will finish our presentations on African resistance to Europeans on Monday. Have a great weekend!

Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

B Day (Periods 9-10): Imperialism

Hey everyone! Today we learned about why European countries wanted to imperialize certain areas (specifically of Africa). Just to review and assess what you learned, I want you to fill in the graphic organizer (who, what, where, when, and how of imperialism). If you have any questions, please email me!

~Mr. Mazur

B Day (Periods 7-8): Africa Map

Hey everyone. This is just a reminder that for homework you are using p. 777 to label the map of Africa and color in what countries imperialized Africa. If you have any questions, please ask me. Have a great night!

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Day: European Imperialism in Africa

Hey everyone. For homework, you are to finish the map of Africa and the definitions for European Imperialism located on the other side of the map.

Also, please continue the research on your topic of resistance to European rule in Africa or Asia. We will only have half of the next class to finish this and present.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me! Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Industrial Revolution Test

Hey everyone. I just want to remind everyone that the Industrial Revolution test is next week. For the A Day, the test will be on Wednesday (March 16) and for the B Day the test will be on Tuesday (March 15). Please remember that I am available to stay after school or during co-curricular to help out anyone that needs it. If you would like to arrange a group study session, I would be more than willing to accomodate!

Study guide is going to be due on the day of the test!

See you tomorrow at the ice cream social!

~Mr. Mazur

Saturday, February 26, 2011

B Day Periods 9-10: Living Conditions during the Industrial Revolution

Hey everyone! Today we discussed how people began to move into cities to be closer to the factories during the Industrial Revolution. Since cities were not prepared to cater to the large population coming in within a small period of time, they crowded them into tenement houses. During this time, overcrowding and lack of sanitation led to diseases spreading rapidly. Among these outbreaks were cholera and typhoid.

For homework, you are to finish your political cartoon packets so that you may understand the conditions during this time. Please make sure you answer each question fully. I will check it and discuss on next Thursday (I do not have class with you on Tuesday). Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Day: New Inventions

Hey everyone! Today we talked about how the agricultural revolution in Great Britain brought a huge increase in population and a need for more necessities. Your homework is to read pp.718-722 and write a paragraph on what you believe was the most significant invention out of the examples that they give. I will check this on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What is the most important inventions in the 20th century?

Hey everyone! Today we learned about the transition from cottage industry production to factory production. We talked about how a revolution in agriculture (new methods of agriculture and new inventions) ultimately led to a boom in population and a need for specific goods (such as textiles). To meet that demand, new inventions were created to increase the quanitity of good (sparking the Industrial Revolution).

We talked about how new inventions during these revolutions (inventions in agriculture, industry, and transportation) changed society. Your assignment is to research new inventions during the 20th century (1900-1999) and write a couple short paragraphs on which inventions were the most important to our society today and explain why. You must have 3 inventions in each of the following categories: agriculture, industry, and transportation.

Please remember to bring your comparison papers on the French Revolution and the current crisis in the Middle East. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Egypt Protests: B Day

Hey everyone! I just wanted to remind you of the assignment for the weekend (due on Wednesday).

You are to research the current crisis in Egypt. These events have many similarities with the French Revolution (which we have been discussing for the last 2weeks). You are to research these similarities and write a 1-2 page comparison of the two.

I will be grading grammar and spelling because this is a formal paper. Also, this assignment must be typed and printed. This will be worth 15 points. Email me with any questions you may have.

Have a great 4-day weekend everyone!

~Mr. Mazur

Friday, February 11, 2011

B Day Period 9-10: Latin American Revolutions

Hey Period 9-10! Today we began to talk about how the success of the American and French Revolutions spread to colonies in Latin America. For homework, you are going to read about several revolutions against Spanish rule in South America. Please read pp. 682-686 in your textbook (starting with the section entitled "Creoles Lead Independence") Please take brief notes on the 4 main countries that you learn about (Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico, and Brazil). Please focus on why the revolution started, who were the major leaders, and what was the impact of the revolutions.

Please email me if you have any questions. Remember that your test is going to be giiven on next Thursday (February 17). Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

B Day Homework: The Congress of Vienna

Hey everyone. Today we discussed what led to Napoleon Bonaparte's downfall. We analyzed key mistakes he made while trying to expand. We also briefly looked at Louis XVIII's rule and Napoleon's comeback (called the 100 Days). For homework, you are to finish the K-W-L chart on Napoleon. What did you learn about Napoleon during these classes? Use at least four examples.

Also, please read the textbook pages and fill in the worksheet that I sent you in your school emails. The page numbers are at the top of the worksheet.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, February 7, 2011

B Day Homework: Napoleon's Downfall

Hey everyone. Today we analyzed how Napoleon Bonaparte was able to gain the support the people in France and ultimately power. Today you will read further into his rule by reading pp. 665-671 in your textbooks. Please take notes and bring to class. I will be checking these the next class we have. Good luck!

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Public Executions

Hey everyone! Today we learned why the French Revolution turned more violent than the American Revolution. We looked at the Reign of Terror and how Robespierre used fear to keep order and prevent chaos in France from 1793-1794. We also discussed the usage of the guillotine for public executions and why it was used during the time period.

As we know, public executions still happen in many countries today. Your homework is to research a country that still uses public execution. Why do they use it? What do they do? Answer these questions within one or two paragraphs.

Also be safe while researching these. ONLY USE CREDIBLE WEBSITES OR NEWS SITES WHILE DOING THIS RESEARCH. I do not want you to research on youtube or any sites that may be inappropriate. Stick to any websites that have a .edu or .org in it. For news stories, stick to CNN, New York Times, Life, etc.

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

French Revolution Comic Book

The French Revolution comic book is due next class in the beginning of the period. We will not have any time to finish it during class, so make sure you finish it for homework or during co-curricular. Good luck!

~Mr. Mazur

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Marie Antoinette

Hey everyone! Sorry for the late post!

Today we learned about the conditions in France directly before the French Revolution. First, we learned about the Old Regime, divided up into estates in which the poorer classes picked up the economic burdens of the country. Second, we learned about the extreme poverty and starvation occuring during the late 18th century. Lastly, we learned of the spending habits of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette during this period.

Everyone knows the story of Marie Antoinette. She has always been represented negatively throughout history, although many of it may be unjustified. For homework, you are to read the article I gave in class on Marie Antoinette. When you are done reading, write a paragraph arguing whether you believe the attacks on Marie Antoinette are justified or were they exagerrated throughout history. Good luck!

~Mr. Mazur

P.S.- You may also want to brainstorm ideas for your comic book project. Remember that you only have your next class to complete it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Enlightenment Ideas and America homework

Hey everyone. Today we went over the causes of the American Revolution. Please read carefully what your homework is (the classes are different).

Period 7/8 (B Day): You are to read the Bill of Rights and explain what Enlightenment ideas are shown in it.

Period 9/10: You are to read the Declaration of Independence and explain what Enlightenment ideas are shown in it.

Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Friday, January 7, 2011

Applying Enlightenment Ideas

Hey everyone! I hope you are having a great weekend!

I wanted to remind everyone to complete the homeowork assignment about applying Enlightenment arguments to school or national issues. Please make sure you read the directions on the assignment. You need to write two paragraphs and use the ideas of two Enlightenment philosophers.

Also, remember that we will be having a quiz on Thursday (B Day) and Friday (A Day) Make sure that you study! Now would be a great time to start!

Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hobbes and Locke Comparison

Hey everyone! Today we debated the ideas of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. For homework, you are to make a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting the ideas of these two philosophers.

Remember, I want you to compare and contrast their ideas. Please do not put that they were both from England or they both were philosophers. That is just stating the obvious.

Again, we will be having a quiz on absolute monarchs, the Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, and the American Revolution next Thursday (B Day) and Friday (A Day). Please make sure you start studying. If you need help with anything, please email me, see me during co-curricular, ask me to stay during lunch, or see me after bus duty.

Also, the midterm schedule for me is below these comments. Please start studying. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE BECAUSE THAT WILL NOT HELP. The study guide will be given to you next week. A good way of studying is to review some of the old tests that we took, look at whats in your notebook, and use flashcards! If you do not know a term, put it to the side to go over again!

Thursday, January 20, 9/10 A Day exam (1:10-2:50)
Monday, January 24, 7/8 B Day exam (1:10-2:50)
Tuesday, January 25, 7/8 B Day Exam (1:20-2:50)

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Religion v. Science: A Day homework

Hey everyone! Today we discussed the controversy between the feud between the Catholic Church and science during the Scientific Revolution. For homework, you are to research a scientific fact or observation that is disputed by religion. I want you to find the article, read it, analyze it, and bring me one paragraph on how you think the issue should be handled. A good example of a scientific principle that is disputed is evolution.

You must staple the article to the paragraph and hand it in on Thursday.

Have fun and email me if you have any questions!

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sermon Against Scientists: B Day homework assignment

Hey everyone. Today we learned a little more about the scientists of the Scientific Revolution. We learned that the Catholic Church hated these new ideas and openly condemned them (as shown in the case of Galileo). For homework, you are to write a 3-paragraph sermon against at least 3 different scientists that we read about or we learned about in the Scientific Revolution. Your focus is to prove to people in the sermon that these scientists are wrong and that they are a threat to the religion. Be creative and make sure you follow the directions!

Good luck!

~Mr. Mazur