Monday, February 24, 2014

A Day: Irish Potato Famine

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed British control over Ireland and how the Irish reliance on potatoes caused the Irish Potato Famine.  This catastrophe killed over a million Irishmen between 1845-1850.  Furthermore, millions of Irishmen immigrated to other nations during this time period, including to the U.S.

We are going to begin a DBQ during next class relating to this event.  For homework, I want you to finish the packet of primary and secondary sources that I have handed out during class.  Please read through the documents and answer all of the questions relating to the sources.  PLEASE REMEMBER THAT IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND ONE OF THE DOCUMENTS, APPROACH OR EMAIL ME BEFORE WEDNESDAY'S CLASS.  Since we are beginning the paper on Wednesday, it is extremely important that you understand the sources fully before class begins.  You do not want to write a paper on a topic that you do not understand.

Also, your current event assignments for Asia are due on Friday.  Please email me if you have any questions relating to either assignment.  Thank you and have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

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