Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Periods 9-10 (B): Nice Meeting Everyone!

Hello everyone!  It was nice meeting everyone.  I am confident that this is going to be a great year for all of us!

As promised, the homework for the next two class days are:

Friday:  By Friday, make sure you have read through the class policies.  Have the document signed by you and your parent or guardian.  There will be a quiz on it for Friday

Tuesday:  By Tuesday, you need to have all of your required materials (notebook, pen/pencil, and a flash drive).  You do not have to bring the flash drive into class on this day.  What you do need to bring in is your textbook (covered).

We will also have additional assignments later this week.  I will update you during class on Friday.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

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