Friday, December 12, 2014

B Day: Congress of Vienna

Hello everyone!  Today we evaluated the leadership of Napoleon.  For homework, please read Chapter 23 Section 5 and complete the worksheet that I have provided.  Remember that you unit test will be on December 22.  The study guide is due on the same day.  Please email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, December 11, 2014

A Day: Congress of Vienna

Hello everyone!  Today we evaluated the leadership of Napoleon.  For homework, please read Chapter 23 Section 5 and complete the worksheet that I have provided.  Remember that you unit test will be on December 19.  The study guide is due on the same day.  Please email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

B Day: The Age of Napoleon

Hello everyone.  For homework, please read the eight pages that I have provided you and answer #1-7 as you read.  Please remember that for #5, you do not have to write a paragraph; just answer the question.  We will use these during the next lesson, and then I will collect them.  Also, please see below for the schedule of the next few days.

Friday:  Napoleon Lesson (Homework- Chapter 23 Section 5 worksheet)
Tuesday:  Other Revolutions (No homework except to study)
Thursday:  30 minute preparation for music videos, 30 minute presentations, review for test
Monday:  Study Guide due.  Test on the French Revolution.  (No homework over the holidays)

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A Day: The Age of Napoleon

Hello everyone.  For homework, please read the eight pages that I have provided you and answer #1-7 as you read.  Please remember that for #5, you do not have to write a paragraph; just answer the question.  We will use these during the next lesson, and then I will collect them.  Also, please see below for the schedule of the next few days.

Thursday:  Napoleon Lesson (Homework- Chapter 23 Section 5 worksheet)
Monday:  Other Revolutions (No homework except to study)
Wednesday:  30 minute preparation for music videos, 30 minute presentations, review for test
Friday:  Study Guide due.  Test on the French Revolution.  (No homework over the holidays)

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, December 8, 2014

B Day: French Revolution Quiz

Hello everyone!  Today we analyzed the ideas of deindividuation and mob mentality and its effects on the French Revolution.  Please remember to study all materials for our quiz next class.  Email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Friday, December 5, 2014

A Day: French Revolution Quiz

Hello everyone!  Today we analyzed the ideas of deindividuation and mob mentality and its effects on the French Revolution.  Please remember to study all materials for our quiz on Tuesday.  Email me if you have any questions.  Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, December 4, 2014

B Day: Public Executions

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed how the French Revolution transitioned into an extremely violent period of chaos called the Reign of Terror.  We analyzed we the guillotine was used during public executions and we questioned the idea that mass executions were "necessary" to create stability in France.  For homework, please find a country or group that has used a public execution within the past 5 years and fill in the worksheet that I have provided you.  If you have any questions, feel free to email me.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A Day: Public Executions

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed how the French Revolution transitioned into an extremely violent period of chaos called the Reign of Terror.  We analyzed we the guillotine was used during public executions and we questioned the idea that mass executions were "necessary" to create stability in France.  For homework, please find a country or group that has used a public execution within the past 5 years and fill in the worksheet that I have provided you.  If you have any questions, feel free to email me.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

B Day: Jewish and Women's Rights during the French Revolution

Hello everyone!  Today we analyzed the causes of the French Revolution.  We also analyzed the rights protected within the Declaration of the Rights of Man.  For homework, please read the packet of primary sources (Jewish and Women's Rights during the French Revolution) and complete the 11 questions on a separate sheet of paper.  Email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, December 1, 2014

A Day: Jewish and Women's Rights During the French Revolution

Hello everyone!  Today we analyzed the causes of the French Revolution.  We also analyzed the rights protected within the Declaration of the Rights of Man.  For homework, please read the packet of primary sources (Jewish and Women's Rights during the French Revolution) and complete the 11 questions on a separate sheet of paper.  Email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Day: The French Revolution Begins

Hello everyone!  For homework over the break, please read Chapter 23 Section 1 and complete the worksheet that I have provided you.  I will check the homework when we return on Monday, December 1.

Furthermore, if you have not handed in your DBQ, it is due by the end of the school day on Wednesday.  However, I will not be in class.  It is your responsibility to place it in my mailbox or to place it on my desk.  Email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

P.S.-  I have provided you with an extra credit assignment, if you choose to do it.  The assignment will be worth 5 extra credit points (if you do it correctly).  You would write a two paragraph response about the current Michael Brown/Darren Wilson announcement.  You must provide evidence to support your claims and they must be from RELIABLE sources.  These sources must be cited on the bottom of the page.  Please watch out for biases within your sources.  Obviously this is a very controversial topic where passions and emotions are all over. Make sure you back up your opinions with facts.

Monday, November 24, 2014

B Day (Periods 7-8): The French Revolution Begins

Hello everyone!  For homework over the break, please read Chapter 23 Section 1 and complete the worksheet that I have provided you.  I will check the homework when we return on Tuesday, December 2.

Furthermore, if you have not handed in your DBQ, it is due by the end of the school day on Wednesday.  However, I will not be in class.  It is your responsibility to place it in my mailbox or to place it on my desk.  Email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

Friday, November 21, 2014

A Day (Periods 9-10): Age of Reason Test

Hello everyone!  This is a reminder that your test is on Tuesday.  Please complete the study guide and study all materials for the assessment.  Please also remember that your DBQ is due on the same day.  Email me if you have any questions.  Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

A Day (Periods 3-4, 7-8): Age of Reason Debate

Hello everyone!  This is a reminder that your DBQ is due on Tuesday.  Furthermore, we will be participating in two informal debates during the class.  Your responsibility is to research the topics below and come in prepared with researched materials that will help you in the debate.  I will check to make sure that everyone comes in with materials.  Below are the topics and the direction each debate will go.  Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.  Good luck!

Issue #1:  Use of Torture/Cruel and Unusual Punishment
1.)  Should cruel and unusual punishment be used for certain criminals?
2.)  Should torture ever be used by the U.S. government (i.e., torturing terrorists to extract information)?
3.)  Is the death penalty "cruel and unusual punishment" and should it be used in certain cases?

Issue #2:  Should the Use of Vaccinations and Medicines be Required, Regardless of Religious Beliefs?
1.)  Should people be forced to get vaccinations for contagions such as the flu?
2.)  If a child is direly sick, should the parents be forced to take him/her to the hospital to receive treatment, regardless of religious beliefs and practices?

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, November 20, 2014

B Day: Age of Reason Debates

Hello everyone!  This is a reminder that your DBQ is due on Monday.  Furthermore, we will be participating in two informal debates during the class.  Your responsibility is to research the topics below and come in prepared with researched materials that will help you in the debate.  I will check to make sure that everyone comes in with materials.  Below are the topics and the direction each debate will go.  Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.  Good luck!

Issue #1:  Use of Torture/Cruel and Unusual Punishment
1.)  Should cruel and unusual punishment be used for certain criminals?
2.)  Should torture ever be used by the U.S. government (i.e., torturing terrorists to extract information)?
3.)  Is the death penalty "cruel and unusual punishment" and should it be used in certain cases?

Issue #2:  Should the Use of Vaccinations and Medicines be Required, Regardless of Religious Beliefs?
1.)  Should people be forced to get vaccinations for contagions such as the flu?
2.)  If a child is direly sick, should the parents be forced to take him/her to the hospital to receive treatment, regardless of religious beliefs and practices?

~Mr. Mazur

A Day: Age of Reason Assessments

Hello everyone.  This is a reminder that your test is tomorrow (APA) and Tuesday (UC Tech).  Please complete the study guide and be prepared for the test.  Remember that you should also study any materials or homework assignments that we completed; do not only rely on the study guide.  Email me if you have any questions.

Also, your DBQ is due on Tuesday.  Please email me if you have any questions.  I would recommend that you begin it before the weekend so that you do not have to worry about completing the whole assignment the day before.  Again, email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

B Day: Enlightenment Unit Assessments

Hello everyone.  This is a reminder that your test is on Thursday.  Please complete the study guide and be prepared for the test.  Remember that you should also study any materials or homework assignments that we completed; do not only rely on the study guide.  Email me if you have any questions.

Also, your DBQ is due on Monday.  Please email me if you have any questions.  I would recommend that you begin it before the weekend so that you do not have to worry about completing the whole assignment the day before.  Again, email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, November 17, 2014

All Classes: Age of Reason

Hello everyone.  This is a reminder that your homework is to read Chapter 22 Section 2 and complete the worksheet that I have provided to you.  Also remember that you must complete ALL sections (A, B, and C).  Furthermore, remember that your tests are all this week.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Day (Periods 9-10): Scientific Revolution

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we discussed the accomplishments of several individuals during the Scientific Revolution.  At the end of class, I divided you into groups to research a specific scientist and to create a poster to help teach the class about the concept.  Please work on it at home and bring in any photos or text from your printer at home (you will not have access to a printer during the next class).  I will provide you with poster paper during the next class and you will have 30 minutes to complete the assignment.  We will spend 30 minutes teaching each other the concepts.  Please email me if you have any questions.

Furthermore, I recently have been emailed about an upcoming field trip that more than half the class will be taking on this upcoming Friday (when the test was scheduled).  Therefore, the test is rescheduled for Tuesday, November 25.  I will figure out whether we will have our debate on this upcoming Friday or whether we will watch a movie relating to the unit instead.  However, if you are part of the Teacher Education program in UC Tech, then you will be taking the test on Friday (since you have your shadow day on November 25).  If you are participating in both of these events, we will have to arrange when you can take your test after Thanksgiving.

Lastly, please remember that your DBQ is due on November 25.  If you are in the Teacher Education program, you must hand this in either on or before this date.  Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.  Thank you and have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

A Day (Periods 7-8): Scientific Revolution

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we discussed the accomplishments of several individuals during the Scientific Revolution.  At the end of class, I divided you into groups to research a specific topic of the time period and to create a poster to help teach the class about the concept.  Please work on it at home and bring in any photos or text from your printer at home (you will not have access to a printer during the next class).  I will provide you with poster paper during the next class and you will have 30 minutes to complete the assignment.  We will spend 30 minutes teaching each other the concepts.  Please email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

P.S.-  Your test is scheduled for November 21 and your DBQ is due on November 25.  Please prepare for these dates.  Thank you!

A Day (Periods 3-4): Scientific Revolution

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we discussed the accomplishments of several individuals during the Scientific Revolution.  At the end of class, I divided you into groups to research a specific scientist and to create a poster to help teach the class about the concept.  Please work on it at home and bring in any photos or text from your printer at home (you will not have access to a printer during the next class).  I will provide you with poster paper during the next class and you will have 30 minutes to complete the assignment.  We will spend 30 minutes teaching each other the concepts.  Please email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

P.S.-  Your test is scheduled for November 21 and your DBQ is due on November 25.  Please prepare for these dates.  Thank you!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

B Day: Scientific Revolution

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed the accomplishments of several individuals during the Scientific Revolution.  At the end of class, I divided you into groups to research a specific scientist and to create a poster to help teach the class about the concept.  Please work on it at home and bring in any photos or text from your printer at home (you will not have access to a printer during the next class).  I will provide you with poster paper during the next class and you will have 30 minutes to complete the assignment.  We will spend 30 minutes teaching each other the concepts.  Please email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

P.S.-  Your test is scheduled for November 20 and your DBQ is due on November 24.  Please prepare for these dates.  Thank you!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

All Classes: American and English Rights

Hello everyone.  Over the last two days, we discussed the history of the United Kingdom's parliament and we compared and contrasted the structure of Parliament with the United States Congress.  We also began to look at primary sources relating to the rights of Englishmen.  Over the next week, we will be writing a Document-Based Question (DBQ) based upon the influence of these documents on our own American founding documents (i.e., Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights).  This paper will be due next week.

For homework, please finish reading the documents and complete an outline on how you are going to format/structure your paper.  If you have any questions, feel free to email me.  I will be available during 6th period in the Junior Lounge (APA) if you have any questions.  Thank you and have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

P.S.-  There will be an open-notebook quiz during the next class.  Your test will be on November 20 (B) and November 21 (A).  I will provide you with a study guide during the next class.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

B Day: England's Constitutional Monarchy

Hello everyone!  Today we evaluated absolute monarchies and how they sprang up during the 16th century.  For homework, please read Chapter 21 Section 5 and complete the worksheet that I have provided to you.  You must also complete Part B.  Email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, November 3, 2014

A Day: U.S. Issues Current Event

Hello everyone!  Today we evaluated absolute monarchies and how they sprang up during the 16th century.  For homework, please find a current event about an economic or political issue within the U.S.  Remember that it must be from a reliable source and it must be a current event (something that has happened and not a blog post).  Please print out the current event, read it, and bring it into class on Wednesday.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Age of Exploration and Colonization Test/Notebook Check

Hello everyone.  This is a reminder that your Age of Exploration and Colonization test will be on Thursday (A Day) and Friday (B Day) this week.  I will collect the study guides before we begin the assessment.  Please study all relevant materials in preparation for this.

Furthermore, I will be collecting your binders for our notebook check.  I have already provided you with the rubric on how your notebook should be organized.  Please feel free to email me with any questions that you may have.  Thank you and good luck studying!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A Day: Age of Exploration and Colonization Assessments

Hello everyone.  This is a reminder that your travel brochures are due on Tuesday.  We will also have the debate on this day.  Remember to enter the classroom prepared to begin.  Extra credit will be given to those that dress professionally.

Your test will be on October 30.  The study guide will be due on the same day.  Please begin to study and email me or see me during co-curricular if you have any questions or concerns.  You will have no homework over that weekend because I will be collecting your notebooks for this marking period's notebook check.  All guidelines of the notebook must be adhered to.

Thank you and I will see everyone on Tuesday!

~Mr. Mazur

B Day: Columbian Exchange and Global Trade

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we analyzed the Transatlantic Slave Trade and how Europeans were able to buy slaves from African monarchs.  We also analyzed the brutality of slavery during the Middle Passage and the labor within plantations in the Americas.  For homework, please read Chapter 20 Section 4 and complete the worksheet that I have provided to you.  Please email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

P.S.-  Our debate will be held on October 29.  Our test will be held on October 31.  I will also collect your notebooks for the notebook check on that day.  Please email me if you have any questions.

Monday, October 20, 2014

A Day: Columbian Exchange and Global Trade

Hello everyone!  Today we analyzed the Transatlantic Slave Trade and how Europeans were able to buy slaves from African monarchs.  We also analyzed the brutality of slavery during the Middle Passage and the labor within plantations in the Americas.  For homework, please read Chapter 20 Section 4 and complete the worksheet that I have provided to you.  Please email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

P.S.-  Please look at previous posts for the deadlines of upcoming assignments.

Friday, October 17, 2014

B Day: European Colonies within the Americas

Hello everyone!  Today we evaluated the leadership and power of the conquistadors (specifically Hernan Cortes).  For homework, please read Chapter 20 Section 2 and complete #1-8 at the end of the section.  Furthermore, please remember that our debate for Explorers Day will be on October 29 and our test for the unit will be on October 31 (Halloween).  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, October 16, 2014

A Day: Colony Travel Brochure

Hello everyone!  Today we analyzed the Dutch, English, French, and Spanish colonies within the Americas.  For homework, please continue your research for the debate.  Also, you have to create a travel brochure for a specific colony in the Americas of a European power that we have discussed.  This will be on October 28.  A rubric has provided to you within class.

Here is the schedule for the next few classes with some deadlines:

10/20-  Discussion of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
             Homework (APA only)- Read Chapter 20 Section 4 and complete worksheet on the reading.

10/22-  Finish research for debate and create formal arguments.  I will also hand out the study guide
             Homework (APA)-  Continue research for the debate and finish the travel brochure
             Homework (UC Tech)-  Continue research for the debate

10/24-  APA Field Trips/UC Tech class will read Chapter 20 Section 4 and complete the worksheet
            Homework (UC Tech Only)-  Continue research for debate and finish travel brochure

10/28-  Travel brochures due
             Formal debate within class (extra credit if you dress professionally)
             Homework-  Complete study guide and study for the test

10/30-  Age of Exploration and Colonization Test
            I will also collect your notebooks for this Marking Period's Notebook Check (quiz grade).  I will provide you with more information very soon.

Please email me back if you have any questions or concerns.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

B Day: Explorers Day Research

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we began our research for our big debate on October 29.  The next time we research in class will be on next Tuesday.  However, I would like you to take 30 minutes of your time to research for your specific topic.  Please come into class tomorrow with proof that you have researched (i.e., written notes, sites visited, etc.).  Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.  Have a great day.

~Mr. Mazur

P.S.-  Remember that you can only use reliable sites (for example, no Wikipedia or  Please also be aware of the bias of some of these sites.

Friday, October 10, 2014

A Day: Explorers Day Debate

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we finished our Portuguese explorers' journals.  We also began to research for our debate on whether we should celebrate an Explorers Day instead of a Columbus Day.  We will have one more day to finish research and start writing our arguments within our groups.  Your only homework over the weekend is to keep thinking of your research and, if possible, to continue researching.  The debate will be the day before the test (debate will either be October 22 or 24).  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

B Day: Europeans Explore the East

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed the Ming Dynasty and the voyages of Zheng He.  We also evaluated evidence that Zheng He may have ventured to the Americas before Christopher Columbus.  For homework, please read Chapter 19 Section 1 and complete the worksheet that I have provided for you.  You must also complete Part B.  Email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A Day: Europeans Explore the East

Hello everyone.  Today we evaluated the motivations of European explorers during the Age of Discovery and analyzed how they were able to venture away from the coast during this time.  We also analyzed the conditions on the ships and began to write our journal entries from a Portuguese sailor.  For homework, please continue brainstorming ideas for the journal (you will have 20-25 minutes of next class to complete it).  Please also remember that you will have an open-notebook quiz next class on the Age of Exploration.

For homework, please read Chapter 19 Section 1 and complete the worksheet that I have provided you.  You must also complete Part B.  Email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, October 6, 2014

B Day: Mughal and Ottoman Empires

Hello everyone!  Please read the summary of the Mughal and Ottoman Empires.  As you are reading, practice the skills of a close-read (taking notes in margins, underlining main ideas of each paragraph, circling key people or terms, etc.).  When you finish, complete the chart that I showed you relating to how the Mughal and Ottoman Empires used cultural or religious tolerance towards those that were not Muslim.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Day: Voyages of Zheng He

Hello everyone.  Yesterday we watched a short clip on the voyages of Zheng He.  As I mentioned within the class, some historians believe that Zheng He traveled to the Americas BEFORE Christopher Columbus.  For homework, you are going to analyze this evidence.  Please read the news story that I provided you and highlight any evidence that may prove that this explore arrived in the Americas.  During next class, we will discuss the evidence and debate whether it proves that the Ming Dynasty arrived in the Americas before European explorers.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

B Day: Renaissance/Reformation Test

Hello everyone!  Today we analyzed the different beliefs of various Protestant movements of the 16th century (i.e., Anglicanism, Calvinism, and Anabaptism).  For homework, please finish the Venn Diagram  comparing the ideas of Martin Luther, King Henry VIII, and John Calvin.

Furthermore, please remember that your test is on Monday.  I have given you a study guide and this document must be completed and handed in on the day of the test.  Remember that this is only a guide, and you should still study any notes, worksheets, or returned homework assignments that you have.  Email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

A Day: Protestant Comparisons

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we analyzed the different beliefs of various Protestant movements of the 16th century (i.e., Anglicanism, Calvinism, and Anabaptism).  For homework, please finish the Venn Diagram  comparing the ideas of Martin Luther, King Henry VIII, and John Calvin.

Furthermore, please remember that your test is on Friday.  I have given you a study guide and this document must be completed and handed in on the day of the test.  Remember that this is only a guide, and you should still study any notes, worksheets, or returned homework assignments that you have.  Email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Day: 20 Theses Assignment

Hello everyone.  This is a reminder that your 20 Theses of a Teenager assignment is due on Monday.  Please email me if you have any questions.

Also, your first test will be next Friday, October 3.  A study guide will be sent to you over the weekend and a hard copy will be given during Monday's class.

Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

B Day: 20 Theses from Being a Teenager

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed the corruption within the Catholic Church during the 14-16th century and the early reformers of the Reformation (John Wycliffe, Jan Hus, Christian humanists, Martin Luther).  We evaluated Luther's beliefs in the 95 Theses and completed a worksheet relating to how Luther would respond to hypothetical issues today.

For homework, please complete the worksheet if you have not already.  Also, I want you to create your own 95 Theses, except this time I want you to do it on issues you have because you are a teenager.  Remember that you only have to complete 20 theses and they should be general for all teenagers.  If you can, please make it look nice (i.e., type it or put it on construction paper).  We will discuss both of these assignments in the beginning of the next class.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me!  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

A Day: 20 Theses on Being a Teenager

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we discussed the corruption within the Catholic Church during the 14-16th century and the early reformers of the Reformation (John Wycliffe, Jan Hus, Christian humanists, Martin Luther).  We evaluated Luther's beliefs in the 95 Theses and completed a worksheet relating to how Luther would respond to hypothetical issues today.

For homework, please complete the worksheet if you have not already.  Also, I want you to create your own 95 Theses, except this time I want you to do it on issues you have because you are a teenager.  Remember that you only have to complete 20 theses and they should be general for all teenagers.  If you can, please make it look nice (i.e., type it or put it on construction paper).  We will discuss both of these assignments in the beginning of class on Wednesday.

Our first quiz is scheduled for Wednesday also.  Please study your notes, homework assignments, and worksheets.  If you have any questions, please email me or see me during the co-curricular periods.

Lastly, if you have not done so already, please hand in your AUP forms!  Thank you!

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Day: Northern Renaissance

Hello everyone!  Today we analyzed the changes brought on by the Renaissance.  We evaluated artwork from the Italian Renaissance and how they reflected the changes of the time period.  For homework, please read Chapter 17 Section 2 and complete the worksheet provided to you.  Also, if you do not have one, create a Google account for our next class.  Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

B Day: Northern Renaissance

Hello everyone!  Today we analyzed the changes brought on by the Renaissance.  We evaluated artwork from the Italian Renaissance and how they reflected the changes of the time period.  For homework, please read Chapter 17 Section 2 and complete the worksheet provided to you.  Also, if you do not have one, create a Google account for our next class.  Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Day (Periods 9-10)- Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed the causes of the Renaissance.  We also assessed the influences of the Italian Renaissance, such as the Catholic Church and the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome.  At the end of class, we analyzed architecture, sculptures, and paintings to assess the influence of Catholic and classical ideas on the works.

For homework, please do each of the following:

1.)  Finish the Renaissance Influence worksheet if you have not already.
2.)  Read Chapter 17 Section 1 and complete the worksheet that I have handed out to the class.
3.)  If you have not already done so, hand in your Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) forms.  We will be using computers on Monday, so you need to hand them in BY THURSDAY for a homework grade.  In order to get them, you must go to the district website and run your cursor over "Student Life."  Click on "Student Forms"and it is the top link.

If you have any questions, please email me.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

A Day (Periods 3-4 and 7-8): Renaissance Influences

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed the causes of the Renaissance.  We also assessed the influences of the Italian Renaissance, such as the Catholic Church and the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome.  At the end of class, we analyzed architecture, sculptures, and paintings to assess the influence of Catholic and classical ideas on the works.

For homework, please finish the worksheet.  Furthermore, hand in your Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) forms.  We will be working on computers on Monday, and everyone needs to have it handed in by Thursday.  It will be counted as a homework assignment for my class!  If you do not know how to obtain the form, you simply go to the district website and run your cursor over "Student Life."  Once you do that, you click on "Student Forms" and it should be the first one at the top of the page.

Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, September 15, 2014

B Day (Periods 7-8)- Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed the causes of the Renaissance.  We also assessed the influences of the Italian Renaissance, such as the Catholic Church and the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome.  At the end of class, we analyzed architecture, sculptures, and paintings to assess the influence of Catholic and classical ideas on the works.

For homework, please do each of the following:

1.)  Finish the Renaissance Influence worksheet if you have not already.
2.)  Read Chapter 17 Section 1 and complete the worksheet that I have handed out to the class.
3.)  If you have not already done so, hand in your Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) forms.  We will be using computers on Friday, so you need to hand them in BY WEDNESDAY for a homework grade.  In order to get them, you must go to the district website and run your cursor over "Student Life."  Click on "Student Forms"and it is the top link.

If you have any questions, please email me.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

B Day (Periods 3-4)- Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed the causes of the Renaissance.  We also assessed the influences of the Italian Renaissance, such as the Catholic Church and the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome.  At the end of class, we analyzed architecture, sculptures, and paintings to assess the influence of Catholic and classical ideas on the works.

For homework, please finish the worksheet.  Furthermore, hand in your Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) forms.  We will be working on computers on Friday, and everyone needs to have it handed in by Wednesday.  It will be counted as a homework assignment for my class!  If you do not know how to obtain the form, you simply go to the district website and run your cursor over "Student Life."  Once you do that, you click on "Student Forms" and it should be the first one at the top of the page.

Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

A Day: Black Death

Hello everyone!  On Friday, we discussed the causes and effects of the Black Death in the 14th century.  We also analyzed primary sources on what people thought was causing the scourge, how people tried to escape it, and the effects on society.  For homework, please finish that packet and come to class prepared to discuss your answers.  After our discussion tomorrow, we are going to evaluate connections between the bubonic plague and several current health crises around the world.  Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.  Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, September 11, 2014

B Day: Black Death Consequences

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed the causes and effects of the Black Death in the 14th century.  We also analyzed primary sources on what people thought was causing the scourge, how people tried to escape it, and the effects on society.  For homework, please finish that packet and come to class prepared to discuss your answers.  After our discussion on Monday, we are going to evaluate connections between the bubonic plague and several current health crises around the world.  Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.  Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

A Day: Religion as Justification

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we discussed the various empires throughout the world within the 14th-15th centuries.  We discussed the Aztecs, Incas, Mughals, Ottomans, and Safavid Empires.  We also looked at the culture and political situations within Africa and East Asia.  As we discussed, many of these civilizations were driven by religion and/or cultural traditions.  Therefore, for homework, please find a current event that relates to a religion being used as justification for an action.  When you find the current event, print it out and write a one-paragraph summary about the article.  We are going to discuss these in the beginning of tomorrow's classes.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Saturday, September 6, 2014

B Day: World History Concepts

Hello everyone!  It was great to finally meet everyone the past three days and I am looking forward to a great year!  Yesterday we discussed the classroom policies and the emergency drills for the classroom.  By next class, everyone must have a 3-ring binder separated into the three sections (homework, worksheets, and notes).

For homework, please have your parent/guardian sign the classroom policies.  Also, the History Terms and Concepts worksheet must be finished before Monday.  We will have an open-notebook quiz relating to the terms in the beginning of each class.  Please feel free to email me ( if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, September 4, 2014

A Day: World History Concepts

Hello everyone!  It was great to finally meet everyone the past two days and I am looking forward to a great year!  Today we discussed the classroom policies and the emergency drills for the classroom.  I also handed out textbooks and journals for the class.  Please remember to cover your textbook and leave it at home unless otherwise stated within class.  The journals will always be kept within the classroom.  Lastly, everyone must have a 3-ring binder separated into the three sections (homework, worksheets, and notes) by next class.

For homework, please have your parent/guardian sign the classroom policies.  Also, the History Terms and Concepts worksheet must be finished before Monday.  We will have an open-notebook quiz relating to the terms in the beginning of each class.  Please feel free to email me ( if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Day: UN Issues

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed post-WWII issues and the creation of the UN.  We analyzed how the UN was formed and how it operates today.  For homework, please research two events in which the UN intervened.  Both should be events and the boxes on the chart provided should be fully completed (unless a category does not apply).  One event should be taken from the period of 1945-1999 and the second should be taken from 2000-2014.  All information should be taken from reliable websites (the most reliable is  Email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

B Day: UN Issues

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we discussed post-WWII issues and the creation of the UN.  We analyzed how the UN was formed and how it operates today.  For homework, please research two events in which the UN intervened.  Both should be events and the boxes on the chart provided should be fully completed (unless a category does not apply).  One event should be taken from the period of 1945-1999 and the second should be taken from 2000-2014.  All information should be taken from reliable websites (the most reliable is  Email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A Day: Europe and Japan in Ruins

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed the end of the war.  For homework, please read Chapter 32 Section 5 within your textbook and complete #1-8 at the end of the section.  Email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Saturday, May 24, 2014

B Day: Europe and Japan in Ruins

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we discussed the end of the war.  For homework, please read Chapter 32 Section 5 within your textbook and complete #1-8 at the end of the section.  Email me if you have any questions.  Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

A Day (Periods 9-10): WWII Newspaper Article

Hello everyone.  Please finish researching your specific event from WWII and email me if you have any questions.  You will have about 30 minutes to write the newspaper article with your group during Tuesday's class.  You will not have additional time to complete research during class.  Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Friday, May 16, 2014

A Day: Japan's Pacific War

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed the impact of WWII on civilians.  We specifically analyzed the Blitz from various perspectives and discussed the causes and consequences of the event.  For homework, please read Chapter 32 Section 2 and complete the worksheet on the reading (including Part B).  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

B Day: Hitler's Lightning War

Hello everyone!  For homework, please read Chapter 32 Section 1 and answer the questions relating to the reading (including Part B).  During the next class, we will review the timeline from yesterday's class and discuss various events within Europe during WWII.  Please email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

P.S.-  I found an interesting news article relating to our Genocide and Totalitarianism unit.  If you have the chance, please read it.  It relates to Antisemitism around the world and a survey conducted relating to it.  The link is  Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Day: Hitler's Lightning War

Hello everyone!  For homework, please read Chapter 32 Section 1 and answer the questions relating to the reading (including Part B).  During the next class, we will review the timeline from today's class and discuss various events within Europe during WWII.  Please email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

P.S.-  I found an interesting news article relating to our Genocide and Totalitarianism unit.  If you have the chance, please read it.  It relates to Antisemitism around the world and a survey conducted relating to it.  The link is  Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

B Day: Genocide and Totalitarianism Test

Hello everyone!  This is just a reminder that your test is on Thursday.  The study guide is due on the same day.  Please email me if you have any questions.  You can also see me during co-curricular in the Junior Lounge during 5th period tomorrow or 6th period on Thursday.  I can also stay after school if anyone needs more help.

Furthermore, please remember that if you have not handed in your Irish Potato Famine DBQ, I have entered a 0 on PowerSchool.  However, if you believe this was a mistake, just print out another copy and I will give full credit.  From what I remember, many people could not print out the DBQ because the printers were not working when they were due. However, I cannot give credit until a hard copy of the DBQ is given to me.

Please email me with any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, May 12, 2014

A Day: Genocide and Totalitarianism Test

Hello everyone!  This is just a reminder that your test is on Wednesday.  The study guide is due on the same day.  Please email me if you have any questions.  You can also see me during co-curricular in the Junior Lounge during 6th period tomorrow.  I can also stay after school if anyone needs more help.

Furthermore, please remember that if you have not handed in your Irish Potato Famine DBQ, I have entered a 0 on PowerSchool.  However, if you believe this was a mistake, just print out another copy and I will give full credit.  From what I remember, many people could not print out the DBQ because the printers were not working when they were due. However, I cannot give credit until a hard copy of the DBQ is given to me.

Please email me with any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

P.S-  Many people expressed that they wanted to see the map that I showed in class.  The link is  Enjoy!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

B Day: Nanking Massacre

Hello everyone.  Yesterday we discussed responsibility of the Holocaust.  We also analyzed the rise of the Japanese military dictatorship after WWI and the Nanking Massacre.  For homework, please finish the reading and answer the questions.  You will have to complete additional research relating to the worksheet.  Thank you and have a great weekend!

Friday, May 9, 2014

A Day (Periods 7-10): Nanking Massacre

Hello everyone.  Yesterday we discussed responsibility of the Holocaust.  We also analyzed the rise of the Japanese military dictatorship after WWI and the Nanking Massacre.  For homework, please finish the reading and answer the questions.  You will have to complete additional research relating to the worksheet.  Thank you and have a great weekend!

P.S.-  In my Periods 7-8 class, there was a mistake made about one of the stories I told during class.  The helicopter pilot during the Vietnam War was Hugh Thompson, not Hugh Smith.  I just figured I would correct this mistake!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

B Day: Imperial China Collapses

Hello everyone.  Today we discussed details on the Holocaust and assessed the reasons why nations did not intervene to help the victims and why the perpetrators were able to kill approximately 12 million individuals.  In the beginning of next class, I would like to finish our discussion on who should be held responsible for the Holocaust.

For homework, please read Chapter 30 Section 3 within your textbooks and complete the worksheet as you read.  You only have to complete the side for the reading that you are assigned.

Furthermore, your test on the Genocide and Totalitarianism unit is scheduled for Thursday, May 15.  The study guide will be due on the same day.  Continue studying for this assessment and email me with any questions that you may have.

~Mr. Mazur

A Day (Periods 7-10): Imperial China Collapses

Hello everyone.  Yesterday we discussed details on the Holocaust and assessed the reasons why nations did not intervene to help the victims and why the perpetrators were able to kill approximately 12 million individuals.  In the beginning of next class, I would like to finish our discussion on who should be held responsible for the Holocaust.

For homework, please read Chapter 30 Section 3 within your textbooks and complete the worksheet as you read.  You only have to complete the side for the reading that you are assigned.

Furthermore, your test on the Genocide and Totalitarianism unit is scheduled for Wednesday, May 14.  The study guide will be due on the same day.  Continue studying for this assessment and email me with any questions that you may have.

~Mr. Mazur

A Day (Periods 3-4): Japanese Militarism and Nanking Massacre

Hello everyone.  Yesterday we discussed details on the Holocaust and assessed the reasons why nations did not intervene to help the victims and why the perpetrators were able to kill approximately 12 million individuals.  At the end of the class, we discussed/debated who should be held responsible for the Holocaust.

For homework, please read the articles of the rise of Japanese militarism in the 1920s-1930s and the Nanking Massacre.  As you read, complete the worksheets on the articles.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me.

Furthermore, your test on the Genocide and Totalitarianism unit is scheduled for Wednesday, May 14.  The study guide will be due on the same day.  Continue studying for this assessment and email me with any questions that you may have.

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

B Day: Jewish Ghettos

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we reviewed information learned about the Great Depression and the rise of fascism in Germany.  We also analyzed the Pyramid of Hate and applied it to the Third Reich in order to understand the process of how widespread Antisemitism was able to transform into a genocide.  For homework, please read the packet on Jewish ghettos and answer the questions relating to the reading.

Remember that the information given about the rise of Antisemitism within Germany can be elaborated on and I can tell you more detailed stories and examples if you email me about a specific topic.

Furthermore, your next test is scheduled for Thursday, May 15.  A study guide will be given to you during the next class.  Please begin reviewing for the test and email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

Saturday, May 3, 2014

A Day: Jewish Ghettos

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we reviewed information learned about Stalinist Russia, the Great Depression, and the rise of fascism in Germany.  We also analyzed the Pyramid of Hate and applied it to the Third Reich in order to understand the process of how widespread Antisemitism was able to transform into a genocide.  For homework, please read the packet on Jewish ghettos and answer the questions relating to the reading.

Furthermore, I assigned two options for extra credit during class.  The first option is to watch V for Vendetta and write a five-paragraph paper on how the movie demonstrates totalitarianism.  The second option is to create a dramatic scene, skit, or story that demonstrates what the U.S. would be like under a totalitarian government.  This creative piece of writing should have all of the essential pieces of a story or scene.

Please email me if you have any questions.  Remember that the information given about the rise of Antisemitism within Germany can be elaborated on and I can tell you more detailed stories and examples if you email me about a specific topic.  Other than that, have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Saturday, April 26, 2014

B Day: A Worldwide Depression

Hello everyone!  For homework, please read Chapter 31 Section 2 and answer #1-8 on p. 909.  You must complete this by Thursday's class (the assignment you have in class is reliant on this homework).  All assignments done in class in the next week will be collected by the substitute and graded by me.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great week!

~Mr. Mazur

A Day: Totalitarianism

Hello everyone!  For homework, please read Chapter 30 Section 2 and complete the worksheet (including B).  You must complete this by Monday's class (the assignment you have in class is reliant on this homework).  Also, please remember that all assignments done in class in the next week will be collected by the substitute and graded by me.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great week!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

All Classes: Russian Revolution

Hello everyone!  This is just a reminder that your homework is to read Chapter 30 Section 1 and complete the worksheet on the reading.  You must also complete Part B on the worksheet.  Furthermore, your SGO Post-Assessment will be this upcoming week (Wednesday for the B Day and Thursday for the A Day).  Please study your notes and your previous study guides/tests for this assessment.  Email me if you have any questions.  Have a great Spring Break!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

All Classes: WWI and Other Deadlines

Hello everyone!  I have a few updates, so please read the information below.  We will be finished with our information on WWI by tomorrow.  Here is the list of deadlines:


April 8-9:  WWI Monologues/Dances Due (I have changed the deadline)
April 10-11:  WWI Test/Study Guide
April 14-15:  Final Copy of Irish Potato Famine DBQ Due

UC Tech:

April 8-9:  WWI Memorial Design Due (extra credit given to those that make a professional model)
April 10-11:  WWI Test/Study Guide
April 14-15:  Final Copy of Irish Potato Famine Due

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Day (Periods 9-10): WWI Memorial Design

Hello everyone!  During class I announced various upcoming deadlines for the next week.  Please read the below list and email me if you have any questions.

April 9-  WWI Memorial Design Due (must design a memorial for WWI that is original, creative, and professional).  Extra credit will be given to those that create a model for the memorial.

April 11-  WWI Test/Study Guide Due

April 15-  Irish Potato Famine DBQ Due (Final Copy)

~Mr. Mazur

A Day (Periods 3-4, 7-8): WWI Dance/Monologue

Hello everyone.  During class, I announced various upcoming deadlines.  Please read the list below and email me if you have any questions.

Thursday-  WWI Dance/Monologue due date (dancers can record the dance or we can schedule it during a co-curricular)

April 11-  WWI Test/Study Guide Due

April 15-  Irish Potato Famine DBQ Due (Final Copy)

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, March 31, 2014

B Day (Periods 9-10): WWI Dance/Monologue

Hello everyone.  Today we finished our WWI propaganda posters.  At the end of the class, I gave you a list of upcoming due dates.  Please read through the below due dates and email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

April 4-  WWI Dance/Monologue (For the dance, please record or schedule with me in order to perform)
April 10-  Study Guide/WWI Test
April 14-  Irish Potato Famine final draft due

~Mr. Mazur

B Day (Periods 7-8): WWI Memorial

Hello everyone!  Today we finished our WWI propaganda posters.  At the end of class, I gave you a schedule of some upcoming due dates.  Here is the list.

April 8-  WWI Memorial Design (Students design a memorial for WWI)
April 10-  Study Guide/WWI Test
April 14-  Irish Potato Famine DBQ- Final Draft

Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, March 27, 2014

B Day: WWI Quiz

Hello everyone!  Today we assessed the role of civilians in the war effort during WWI.  We also began to create our own propaganda posters for the war.  We will finish these posters next class (we will have another 45 minutes to finish).  Please also remember that you will have a quiz on WWI at the end of the class.

Your dance/monologue will be due on Friday of next week.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Your test is going to be the week after (April 10).  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

History March Madness

Hello everyone!  We have moved on to the next round of History March Madness.  If you have the chance, please vote on the next round of significant events.  If you decide to vote, please click on the following link and complete the survey by Monday, March 31.  Thank you and have a great day! 

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Day (Periods 9-10): WWI Battles

Hello everyone!  Today we assessed why WWI soldiers could no longer fight on open ground using conventional methods.  We analyzed the usage of trench warfare during the war and the new weaponry that played an integral part within the conflict.  For homework, please research the following battles and write a brief description of each.  Some of these battles are located within your textbooks.

1.)  First Battle of the Marne
2.)  Battle of Verdun
3.)  Battle of the Somme
4.)  Gallipoli Campaign
5.)  Second Battle of the Marne

Please also remember that your revised DBQs and Self-Evaluation forms are due on Tuesday.  You will also have a quiz during class on that day.  Please begin to study ASAP; Relay for Life will tire everyone out over the weekend and you do not want to be caught unprepared for the assessment.

Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

A Day (Periods 3-4, 7-8): WWI Battles

Hello everyone!  Today we assessed why WWI soldiers could no longer fight on open ground using conventional methods.  We analyzed the usage of trench warfare during the war and the new weaponry that played an integral part within the conflict.  For homework, please research the following battles and write a brief description of each.  Some of these battles are located within your textbooks.  The research will be due during Friday's class.

1.)  First Battle of the Marne
2.)  Battle of Verdun
3.)  Battle of the Somme
4.)  Gallipoli Campaign
5.)  Second Battle of the Marne

On Tuesday, April 1, you will hand in your revised DBQs and the Self-Evaluation form for the paper.  Also, you will have a quiz on WWI.  Please begin to study ASAP; I understand that Relay for Life is this weekend and this should not be an excuse why you were unable to study (I have provided you a week to prepare).

Furthermore, you are to choreograph a dance or create a monologue relating to the topic.  If you choose to choreograph a dance, the final product must be original, creative, and relevant to the topic of WWI.  Furthermore, this must be taken seriously (i.e., you cannot role around the room as if you are a soldier and call it a dance).  This dance must be performed during class.  If you are writing the monologue, the final project should also be original, creative, and relevant to WWI.  If you choose this option, the final product should be a dramatic piece from an soldier that endured the fighting and trench warfare in WWI.  You may write it as if the soldier is still within the trenches or as if he is telling the story later on in life.  Please remember that this monologue should show characterization, knowledge of the topic, and an understanding of the character and his surroundings (i.e., who he is talking to, the setting of the monologue, the background and personality of the character, relationship with the person he is speaking to, etc.).  THIS ASSIGNMENT IS DUE ON THURSDAY, APRIL 3.

Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

B Day (Periods 9-10): WWI Battles and Monologue/Dance

Hello everyone!  Today we assessed why WWI soldiers could no longer fight on open ground using conventional methods.  We analyzed the usage of trench warfare during the war and the new weaponry that played an integral part within the conflict.  For homework, please research the following battles and write a brief description of each.  Some of these battles are located within your textbooks.

1.)  First Battle of the Marne
2.)  Battle of Verdun
3.)  Battle of the Somme
4.)  Gallipoli Campaign
5.)  Second Battle of the Marne

Furthermore, you are to choreograph a dance or create a monologue relating to the topic.  If you choose to choreograph a dance, the final product must be original, creative, and relevant to the topic of WWI.  Furthermore, this must be taken seriously (i.e., you cannot role around the room as if you are a soldier and call it a dance).  This dance must be performed during class.  If you are writing the monologue, the final project should also be original, creative, and relevant to WWI.  If you choose this option, the final product should be a dramatic piece from an soldier that endured the fighting and trench warfare in WWI.  You may write it as if the soldier is still within the trenches or as if he is telling the story later on in life.  Please remember that this monologue should show characterization, knowledge of the topic, and an understanding of the character and his surroundings (i.e., who he is talking to, the setting of the monologue, the background and personality of the character, relationship with the person he is speaking to, etc.).  BOTH OF THESE ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE ON MONDAY, MARCH 31.  Please complete ASAP so that you do not have to work on the assignment over the weekend.

Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

B Day (Periods 7-8): WWI Battles

Hello everyone!  Today we assessed why WWI soldiers could no longer fight on open ground using conventional methods.  We analyzed the usage of trench warfare during the war and the new weaponry that played an integral part within the conflict.  For homework, please research the following battles and write a brief description of each.  Some of these battles are located within your textbooks.

1.)  First Battle of the Marne
2.)  Battle of Verdun
3.)  Battle of the Somme
4.)  Gallipoli Campaign
5.)  Second Battle of the Marne

Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, March 24, 2014

A Day: Willy-Nicky Telegrams

Hello everyone.  Today we discussed the causes of WWI.  For homework, please read the telegrams sent between Kaiser Wilhelm II and Czar Nicholas II before the start of the war.  Furthermore, please answer the questions at the end of the packet.

Also, I have handed out your peer-edited papers.  Please read through the evaluations and edit your Irish Potato Famine DBQs based upon the reviews.  Once you are done fixing the papers, please complete a Self-Review on your new paper.  This will be due on Tuesday.  Email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Friday, March 21, 2014

B Day: Willy-Nicky Letters

Hello everyone.  Today we discussed the causes of WWI.  For homework, please read the telegrams sent between Kaiser Wilhelm II and Czar Nicholas II before the start of the war.  Furthermore, please answer the questions at the end of the packet.  Email me if you have any questions.  Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

B Day: Peer Review

Hello everyone!  Remember that your assignment is to complete the Peer Review and rubric for the Irish Potato Famine DBQ.  Furthermore, although it is not required, you can click on the following link to vote which events will make it to the next round.  This will help Mr. Hilferty narrow down the events.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day! 

~Mr. Mazur

A Day: Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Hello everyone.  This is a reminder that your assignment is to read the article about the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and answer the questions related to the reading.  If you do not find an answer in the reading, please look it up online.

Furthermore, we are moving to the next step of our History March Madness.  If you have the chance, please click on the following survey and fill out the events that you find the most important.  This is not required, but it will help Mr. Hilferty narrow down which events will make it into the next round. 

Please email me if you have any questions.  The assignments will be due on Monday.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, March 17, 2014

B Day: Age of Imperialism Test

Hello everyone!  This is a reminder that your test is scheduled for the next class.  Please study and email me if you have any questions.  The study guide will be due on the same day.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Friday, March 14, 2014

A Day: Age of Imperialism Test

Hello everyone!  This is a reminder that your test is on Tuesday and that the study guide is due on the same day.  Email me if you have any questions for the test.  Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

B Day: Imperialism in Latin America

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we finished our discussion on imperialism within Africa and the indigenous responses to European actions.  For homework, please read Chapter 28 Section 3 and complete the worksheet on the reading.  Please remember that your test is on Wednesday (and the study guide is due on the same day).  Email me if you have any questions.  Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Day: Opinions on Imperialism

Hello everyone.  Today we discussed imperialism within Latin America.  We will finish our discussion during the next class.  For homework, please read the two sources provided (Albert Beveridge speech and Pablo Neruda poem) and answer the following questions:

1.)  How does Beveridge gain support for American imperialism within his speech?  What methods does he use?
2.)  Which arguments for the American empire do you find most persuasive?
3.)  According to Neruda, what are the effects of American imperialism?
4.)  How does nationalism play a role in both of these sources?  Which one do you find the most persuasive and why?

Also remember that your European current events are due on Friday.  We will spend the first 15 minutes of class discussing the events before we begin our review for our test (which is scheduled for Tuesday, March 18).  The study guide is due on the day of the test.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

B Day: Current Events

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed the causes and consequences of European imperialism within Africa.  We will continue with the discussion during the next class by analyzing the various responses of African peoples to this imperialism.  Please remember that your European current events are due next class.  Furthermore, your test is scheduled for next Wednesday, March 19.  Email me if you have any questions.  Thank you and have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, March 10, 2014

A Day: Peer Reviews

Hello everyone!  Today we began to discuss European imperialism within Africa.  We will continue or discussion on the topic and the African responses to these actions during the next class.  For homework, please finish the peer reviews for the Irish Potato Famine.  Your current events are due on Friday.  Also, your test will be on next Tuesday (study guide was sent through email).  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Friday, March 7, 2014

B Day: Europeans Claim Muslim Lands

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed how American and European powers forced China and Japan out of isolation.  For homework, please read Chapter 27 Section 3 and complete the worksheet on the reading.  Also remember that you will have a quiz on imperialism during the next class.

Furthermore, your rough drafts for the Irish Potato Famine DBQ will be on Tuesday.  Please email me if you have any questions on the assignment.

Your next current event assignments (Europe) are due on Thursday.  Below is the list of students with the country that they were assigned.

Lastly, your next test will be on Wednesday, March 19.  A study guide will be given out during Tuesday's class.  The study guide must be completed and handed in on the day of the test.  Please email me if you have any questions relating to any of the information within this post.  Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Periods 7-8 (B Day):

AMANDA B.:  Netherlands
PETER B.:  Lithuania
PABLO C.:  Vatican City
JESSICA D.:  Switzerland
ISABELLA D.:  Serbia
ALYSSA E.:  San Marino
HARMONY G.:  Kosovo
HANNA-LEE H.:  Hungary
OBEHIOYE I.:  Germany
OLIVIA J.:  Latvia
MELANIE K.: Greece
YSAN M.-  Slovenia
MELANIE R.:  Ireland
MADISON R.:  Belgium
EMMA R.:  Estonia
BRIAN S.:  Bosnia and Herzegovina
MANUELA S.:  Romania
ANTHONY T.:  Austria
ALEXA W.:  Liechtenstein

Periods 9-10 (B Day):

AMBER B.:  Russia
BRIANNA B.:  Bulgaria
BRYNN H.:  Belarus
TAMIA H.:  Norway
ALLISON L.:  Czech Republic
OLIVIA R.:  Moldova
TOMAS R.:  Croatia
GIANNA T.:  United Kingdom
ALEXIS Z.:  Belgium

Thursday, March 6, 2014

A Day: Europeans Claim Muslim Lands

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed the various rebellions to the changes within China and Japan.  We also began to peer review the Irish Potato Famine DBQs.  For homework, please read Chapter 27 Section 3 and complete the worksheet on the reading.  Also remember that you will have a quiz on imperialism during the next class.

Furthermore, the completed peer review worksheets must be completed and handed in on Wednesday.  Please remember that these should be done professionally in order to help your peers revise their papers.  You may not share these papers with anyone else.

Your next current event assignments (Europe) are due on next Friday.  Below is the list of students with the country that they were assigned.

Lastly, your next test will be on Tuesday, March 18.  A study guide will be given out during Monday's class.  The study guide must be completed and handed in on the day of the test.  Please email me if you have any questions relating to any of the information within this post.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Periods 3-4 (A Day):

SAMANTHA B.:  Czech Republic
AGNES C.:  Croatia
DAPHNE C.:  Portugal
STEFANO C.:  Latvia
EMILY D.:  Slovakia
KIRA E.:  Macedonia
SAMANTHA F.:  Ireland
LUIS G.:  Belgium
ANTHONY H.:  San Marino
ERIN K.:  Ukraine
AMIA L.:  Estonia
DANIELLA M.: Belarus
ANGELYS P.-  Austria
SHANNON T.:  Denmark
YASMIN T.  Slovenia
ASHLEY V.:  Germany
SKYLAR V.:  Italy
DESTINY W.:  France

Periods 7-8 (A Day):

BRIAN C.:  Liechtenstein
MADISON G.:  Bulgaria
ELIZABETH H.:  Lithuania
ERIN H.:  Norway
SAUNIQ L.:  Hungary
ANISTON M.:  Vatican City
MARY BETH R.:  Romania
ETHAN S.:  Monaco
DOMINIQUE T.:  Iceland
LARISSA V.:  Sweden
ALIX W.:  Kosovo

Periods 9-10 (A Day): 

VALERIA A.:  Montenegro
JASMINE B.:  Denmark
ERIC C.:  Italy
JILLIAN D.:  Spain
MAE D.:  Macedonia
NAOMI F.:  Poland
CYNTHIA H.:  Finland
SAMANTHA H.:  Albania
RICKY L.:  United Kingdom
KAZI N.:  Bosnia and Herzogovina
BRUCE P.:  Switzerland
JONATHON R.:  Andorra
ANTHONY R.:  Netherlands
KYLE R.:  Luxembourg
BRENDAN S.:  Iceland
DONASIA W.:  Serbia
ATACAN Z.:  Russia

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

B Day: Imperialism in India Poem/Political Cartoon

Hello everyone!  Today we analyzed the positive and negative consequences of British imperialism in India.  For homework, I have supported you with two rubrics.  Please create a poem or political cartoon relating showing your opinion on the topic.  Remember that you must take the perspective of someone living during the time and your finished product must be historically accurate.

Furthermore, your current events for Africa are due on Friday.  We will have our current events discussion in the beginning of class.  Please email me if you have any questions.

Your rough drafts for the Irish Potato Famine DBQ are due on Tuesday.  You will also have a quiz on Tuesday relating to all of the information learned so far during the Age of Imperialism.  Your test on the unit will be on March 19.  Please email me if you have any questions relating to the assignment.

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Day: Asian Responses to Imperialism

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed how China and Japan were forced out of isolation from the imperialist powers of Great Britain and the United States.  We compared and contrasted why the consequences of imperialism were different for China and Japan.  For homework, you are to finish your event sheets that we began in class.  Be prepared to teach your peers about your event.

Furthermore, your current events for Africa are due on Thursday.  We will have our current events discussion in the beginning of class.  Also, you will have a quiz on Monday and your test will be on March 18.  Please email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, March 3, 2014

B Day: DBQ and Current Events

Hello everyone!  Today we began to work on the DBQ on the Irish Potato Famine.  The due date for this rough draft is next Tuesday (March 11).  Furthermore, your current events for Africa are due on this Friday.  We will hold our weekly discussion in the beginning of class.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Saturday, March 1, 2014

A Day: Imperialism in India Poem/Political Cartoon

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we analyzed the positive and negative consequences of British imperialism in India.  For homework, I have supported you with two rubrics.  Please create a poem or political cartoon relating showing your opinion on the topic.  Remember that you must take the perspective of someone living during the time and your finished product must be historically accurate.

Furthermore, your rough drafts for the Irish Potato Famine DBQ are due on Tuesday.  Please email me if you have any questions relating to the assignment.

Lastly, I have assigned everyone within my classes a country within Africa for next week's current events discussion.  This current event will be due on Thursday.  Below is the list of students and their assigned countries.  Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Hello everyone!  Remember that your homework is to read the packet about imperialism in Southeast Asia and complete #1-7 within your notebooks (on a separate sheet of paper).  Also, your next current events assignment (Asia) will be due on Friday.  Here are the list of students and the countries that they are researching.  Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.

~Mr. Mazur

Periods 3-4 (A Day):

AGNES C.:  Somalia
DAPHNE C.:  Sudan
STEFANO C.:  Zimbabwe
EMILY D.:  Lesotho
KIRA E.:  Namibia
SAMANTHA F.:  Mozambique
LUIS G.:  Eritrea
ANTHONY H.:  Algeria
ERIN K.:  Niger
AMIA L.:  Cape Verde
DANIELLA M.: Seychelles
ANGELYS P.-  Egypt
SHANNON T.:  Namibia
YASMIN T.  Burundi
ASHLEY V.:  Swaziland
SKYLAR V.:  Kenya
ALEXANDER Z.:  Democratic Republic of the Congo

Periods 7-8 (A Day):

BRIAN C.:  Democratic Republic of the Congo
MADISON G.:  Kenya
ERIN H.:  Tunisia
SAUNIQ L.:  Benin
KYAIRAA L:  Mauritius
ANISTON M.:  Djibouti
MARY BETH R.:  Comoros
ETHAN S.:  Western Sahara
DOMINIQUE T.:  Madagascar
LARISSA V.:  Angola
ALIX W.:  Malawi

Periods 9-10 (A Day): 

VALERIA A.:  Ghana
JASMINE B.:  Gambia
ERIC C.:  Botswana
JILLIAN D.:  Senegal
MAE D.:  Lesotho
NAOMI F.:  Mali
CYNTHIA H.:  Benin
SAMANTHA H.:  Algeria
RICKY L.:  Gabon
KAZI N.:  Swaziland
BRUCE P.:  Rwanda
JONATHON R.:  Guinea-Bissau
ANTHONY R.:  Republic of the Congo
KYLE R.:  Burundi
BRENDAN S.:  Madagascar
DONASIA W.:  Djibouti
ATACAN Z.:  Chad

Thursday, February 27, 2014

B Day: Irish Potato Famine Questions

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed the causes and consequences of the Irish Potato Famine.  We then began to read primary and secondary sources in order to determine who was more to blame for the famine: the British or the Irish.  For homework, please read the packet and answer the questions on the bottom of each page.  Remember that if you do not understand the sources, you must email me or see me during co-curricular tomorrow or Monday.

Furthermore, your next current event (Africa) is due on next Friday.  Below is the list of countries that each student has.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great and safe weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Periods 7-8 (B Day):

AMANDA B.:  Guinea
MADELEINE B.:  Cameroon
PETER B.:  Gabon
PABLO C.:  Togo
JESSICA D.:  Namibia
ISABELLA D.:  Republic of the Congo
ALYSSA E.:  Uganda
HARMONY G.:  Gambia
HANNA-LEE H.:  Zambia
OBEHIOYE I.:  Nigeria
OLIVIA J.:  Morocco
MELANIE K.: Sierra Leone
YSAN M.-  Ivory Coast
MELANIE R.:  Guinea-Bissau
MADISON R.:  South Sudan
EMMA R.:  Algeria
BRIAN S.:  Liberia
MANUELA S.:  Rwanda
ANTHONY T.:  Mauritania
ALEXA W.:  Burkina Faso

Periods 9-10 (B Day):

AMBER B.:  Ghana
BRIANNA B.:  Equatorial Guinea
BRYNN H.:  Senegal
TAMIA H.:  Ethiopia
ALLISON L.:  Central African Republic
OLIVIA R.:  Tanzania
TOMAS R.:  South Africa
GIANNA T.:  Botswana
ALEXIS Z.:  Libya

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Day: Current Events and DBQ

Hello everyone.  Today we discussed the requisites for our Irish Potato Famine DBQ and you began to work on the paper in class.  Remember that your current events for Asia are due on Friday.  Also remember that you must finish this draft (using all the requisites discussed) by Tuesday.  You will not have any additional time in class to work on it.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

B Day: Imperialism in Southeast Asia

Hello everyone!  This is a reminder that your homework is to read the packet that I handed out during class and answer #1-7.  Remember that these answers must be on a separate sheet of paper because I may collect homework at any time.  Also remember that your current events for Asia are due in the beginning of next class.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Thank you and have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, February 24, 2014

A Day: Irish Potato Famine

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed British control over Ireland and how the Irish reliance on potatoes caused the Irish Potato Famine.  This catastrophe killed over a million Irishmen between 1845-1850.  Furthermore, millions of Irishmen immigrated to other nations during this time period, including to the U.S.

We are going to begin a DBQ during next class relating to this event.  For homework, I want you to finish the packet of primary and secondary sources that I have handed out during class.  Please read through the documents and answer all of the questions relating to the sources.  PLEASE REMEMBER THAT IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND ONE OF THE DOCUMENTS, APPROACH OR EMAIL ME BEFORE WEDNESDAY'S CLASS.  Since we are beginning the paper on Wednesday, it is extremely important that you understand the sources fully before class begins.  You do not want to write a paper on a topic that you do not understand.

Also, your current event assignments for Asia are due on Friday.  Please email me if you have any questions relating to either assignment.  Thank you and have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

B Day: Current Events

Hello everyone!  As promised, below is the list of countries that you must complete for your current events.

~Mr. Mazur

Periods 7-8 (B Day):

AMANDA B.:  Cyprus
PETER B.:  Afghanistan
PABLO C.:  Bhutan
JESSICA D.:  United Arab Emirates
ALYSSA E.:  Vietnam
HARMONY G.:  Azerbaijan
HANNA-LEE H.:  Bahrain
OBEHIOYE I.:  Timor-Leste
OLIVIA J.:  Turkmenistan
YSAN M.-  Indonesia
MELANIE R.:  Thailand
MADISON R.:  Lebanon
EMMA R.:  Georgia
BRIAN S.:  Laos
MANUELA S.:  Pakistan
ANTHONY T.:  Brunei
ALEXA W.:  Sri Lanka

Periods 9-10 (B Day):

AMBER B.:  Armenia
BRIANNA B.:  China
BRYNN H.:  Iraq
TAMIA H.:  Maldives
ALLISON L.:  Israel
OLIVIA R.:  Cambodia
TOMAS R.:  Malaysia
GIANNA T.:  Kazakhstan
ALEXIS Z.:  Turkey

Saturday, February 22, 2014

B Day: Industrial Revolution Test

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we finished our discussion on other reform movements and issues within Europe and Asia during the 19th century.  We focused yesterday's discussion on women's rights and Antisemitism.  Please remember that your test will be next class.  The completed study guide will be collected on the same day.  Also remember that there will be a map section for North and South America on this test.  Please email me with any questions that you may have.

Also, your next current event is due on Thursday.  The next continent that we will be focusing on is Asia. Unfortunately, I am unable to post the countries on the blog at this time due to the document being in my classroom.  I apologize for the inconvenience and I will post the countries ASAP on the blog when we return on Monday.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Day: Imperialism in Southeast Asia

Hello everyone!  Remember that your homework is to read the packet about imperialism in Southeast Asia and complete #1-7 within your notebooks (on a separate sheet of paper).  Also, your next current events assignment (Asia) will be due on Friday.  Here are the list of students and the countries that they are researching.  Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.

~Mr. Mazur

Periods 3-4 (A Day):

SAMANTHA B.:  Armenia
AGNES C.:  China
DAPHNE C.:  Taiwan
STEFANO C.:  Azerbaijan
EMILY D.:  Bhutan
KIRA E.:  Japan
LUIS G.:  Iraq
ANTHONY H.:  Burma
ERIN K.:  Georgia
AMIA L.:  South Korea
DANIELLA M.: Maldives
SHANNON T.:  Nepal
YASMIN T.  Sri Lanka
ASHLEY V.:  Afghanistan
SKYLAR V.:  Thailand
DESTINY W.:  Syria
ALEXANDER Z.:  United Arab Emirates

Periods 7-8 (A Day):

BRIAN C.:  Turkey
ELIZABETH H.:  Saudi Arabia
ERIN H.:  Israel
SAUNIQ L.:  Oman
KYAIRAA L:  Kuwait
ANISTON M.:  Tajikistan
MARY BETH R.:  India
ETHAN S.:  Bahrain
LARISSA V.:  Indonesia
ALIX W.:  Singapore

Periods 9-10 (A Day): 

VALERIA A.:  Bangladesh
JASMINE B.:  Jordan
ERIC C.:  Armenia
JILLIAN D.:  Taiwan
MAE D.:  Uzbekistan
NAOMI F.:  Iraq
CYNTHIA H.:  Cambodia
SAMANTHA H.:  Mongolia
RICKY L.:  Philippines
KAZI N.:  Vietnam
BRUCE P.:  Turkmenistan
JONATHON R.:  Brunei
ANTHONY R.:  Cyprus
KYLE R.:  Lebanon
BRENDAN S.:  Pakistan
DONASIA W.:  Malaysia
ATACAN Z.:  North Korea

B Day: Current Events and Test

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we finished Amazing Grace and discussed the rights of women during the Victorian Age.  Please remember that your current events and Reforming the Industrial World worksheets are due tomorrow.  Also, your test will be next Tuesday.  Remember that there will be a map section at the end of the test.  Please email if you have any questions or concerns.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Day: Industrial Revolution Test

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we finished up our unit on the Industrial Revolution.  We analyzed other problems and reform movements within European society during the time period, including the women's rights movement during the Victorian Era and the Zionist movement in response to the Antisemitism within Europe and Asia.  Please remember that your current events and study guide are due tomorrow.  Also, your test is scheduled for tomorrow.  Remember that there will be a map section at the end of the test.  Please email if you have any questions or concerns.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Saturday, February 15, 2014

B Day: Current Events, Test, and Homework

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we discussed North American current events and we completed a quiz on the Industrial Revolution.  For homework (due Thursday), please complete the worksheet handed out during class.  Remember that you also must complete Part B.  Furthermore, please add and answer the following question to the worksheet: What kind of society did early scientists want?  Explain using details.

Your test is scheduled for next Tuesday (February 25).  The study guide must be completed and it will be collected on the same day.  Please begin studying ASAP and email me if you have any questions.  As usual, I am always willing to help out in any way I can.  Therefore, you can always see me during the co-curricular periods and before, during, and after school.  There is no reason why you should not be able to succeed on this test!  Also remember that the test will include map labeling of North and South America.  Please also study the countries on these maps.

Lastly, we will begin studying South American during next week.  Your current event worksheets will be due on Thursday of next week.  Below is the list of students with the countries that they must research.  Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Periods 7-8 (B Day):

AMANDA B.:  Brazil
PETER B.:  Bolivia
PABLO C.:  Uruguay
JESSICA D.:  French Guiana
ISABELLA D.:  Paraguay
ALYSSA E.:  Guyana
HARMONY G.:  Paraguay
HANNA-LEE H.:  French Guiana
OBEHIOYE I.:  Argentina
OLIVIA J.:  Uruguay
MELANIE K.: Colombia
YSAN M.-  Venezuela
MELANIE R.:  Argentina
MADISON R.:  Chile
EMMA R.:  Brazil
BRIAN S.:  Peru
MANUELA S.:  Bolivia
ANTHONY T.:  Ecuador
ALEXA W.:  Suriname

Periods 9-10 (B Day):

AMBER B.:  Colombia
BRIANNA B.:  Ecuador
BRYNN H.:  Argentina
TAMIA H.:  Venezuela
ALLISON L.:  Bolivia
OLIVIA R.:  Brazil
TOMAS R.:  Guyana
GIANNA T.:  French Guiana
ALEXIS Z.:  Suriname

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Day: Reforming the Industrial World

Hello everyone!  Today we finished Amazing Grace.  For homework, please read Chapter 23 Section 4 and complete the worksheet handed out during class.  Remember that you also must complete Part B.  Furthermore, please add and answer the following question to the worksheet: What kind of society did early scientists want?  Explain using details.

Your test is scheduled for next Thursday (February 20).  The study guide must be completed and it will be collected on the same day.  Please begin studying ASAP and email me if you have any questions.  As usual, I am always willing to help out in any way I can.  Therefore, you can always see me during the co-curricular periods and before, during, and after school.  There is no reason why you should not be able to succeed on this test!  Also remember that the test will include map labeling of North and South America.  Please also study the countries on these maps.

Lastly, we will begin studying South American during next week.  Your current event worksheets will be due on Thursday of next week.  Below is the list of students with the countries that they must research.  Have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Periods 3-4 (A Day):

SAMANTHA B.:  Paraguay
AGNES C.:  French Guiana
DAPHNE C.:  Ecuador
STEFANO C.:  Argentina
EMILY D.:  Paraguay
KIRA E.:  Guyana
SAMANTHA F.:  Ecuador
LUIS G.:  Colombia
ANTHONY H.:  Brazil
ERIN K.:  Brazil
AMIA L.:  Peru
DANIELLA M.: Suriname
ANGELYS P.-  Venezuela
SHANNON T.:  Colombia
YASMIN T.  French Guiana
ASHLEY V.:  Argentina
SKYLAR V.:  Chile
DESTINY W.:  Uruguay
ALEXANDER Z.:  Bolivia

Periods 7-8 (A Day):

BRIAN C.:  Brazil
MADISON G.:  Chile
ELIZABETH H.:  Paraguay
ERIN H.:  Argentina
SAUNIQ L.:  Uruguay
KYAIRAA L:  Bolivia
ANISTON M.:  Ecuador
MARY BETH R.:  Guyana
ETHAN S.:  Peru
DOMINIQUE T.:  Venezuela
LARISSA V.:  Colombia
ALIX W.:  Suriname

Periods 9-10 (A Day): 

VALERIA A.:  Chile
JASMINE B.:  French Guiana
ERIC C.:  Brazil
JILLIAN D.:  Uruguay
MAE D.:  Guyana
NAOMI F.:  Brazil
CYNTHIA H.:  Guyana
RICKY L.:  Paraguay
KAZI N.:  Colombia
BRUCE P.:  Argentina
JONATHON R.:  Argentina
ANTHONY R.:  Bolivia
KYLE R.:  French Guiana
BRENDAN S.:  Suriname
DONASIA W.:  Ecuador
ATACAN Z.:  Venezuela

B Day: Quiz and Current Events

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we began viewing Amazing Grace to understand the challenges faced by William Wilberforce in abolishing the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.  Please remember that you will have a quiz on the Industrial Revolution before we finish the movie during tomorrow's class.  Study any notes, worksheets, or homework that I have given you since the beginning of the unit.

Your current events worksheet for North America is due on Friday.  If we do not have school on Thursday and/or Friday due to the impending snowstorm, please note that the quiz and current events will be due on the day we return.

Furthermore, your Industrial Revolution test is scheduled for Friday, February 21.  The study guide that I provided you during class is due on the same day.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Day: Current Events and Quiz

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we began viewing Amazing Grace to understand the challenges faced by William Wilberforce in abolishing the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.  Please remember that your current events for North America are due during tomorrow's class.  You will also have a quiz on the Industrial Revolution before we finish the movie.  Study any notes, worksheets, or homework that I have given you since the beginning of the unit.

Furthermore, your Industrial Revolution test is scheduled for Thursday, February 20.  The study guide that I provided you during class is due on the same day.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, February 6, 2014

B Day: Child Labor Letter

Hello everyone.  Today we discussed the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution and the rise of factories.  We analyzed the living and working conditions during the time period, and we focused on the usage of child labor at the time.  We also compared and contrasted child labor from the Industrial Revolution and today.

For homework, you are to research a specific company that has used child labor and write a letter to that company stating your thoughts on its practices.  Grammar and spelling will be checked.  This assignment should be about 1-3 paragraphs.  Please put the sources that you used on the bottom of the document.  Only use reliable sites or sources for this assignment.  No Wikipedia or

Furthermore, your current events for North America will be due on Thursday.  We are pushing back the schedule for our Geography Unit by one week.  Please email me if you have any questions.

Lastly, you will have a quiz on Thursday on everything we learned thus far on the Industrial Revolution.  Begin to study ASAP!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Day: Abolition of the Slave Trade

Hello everyone!  I hope everyone is enjoying their snow day!  As you may have heard, the next two days will be B days.  Therefore, your outlines for the abolitionist packet will be due on Monday (which is an A day).  The current events for North America will now be due on next Thursday.  We will push back the schedule for our Geography unit by one week.  Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

P.S.-  You will have a quiz on the Industrial Revolution on next Thursday.  Furthermore, your test for the unit will be on February 20.