Hello everyone! Yesterday we discussed the corruption within the Catholic Church during the 14-16th century and the early reformers of the Reformation (John Wycliffe, Jan Hus, Christian humanists, Martin Luther). We evaluated Luther's beliefs in the 95 Theses and completed a worksheet relating to how Luther would respond to hypothetical issues today.
For homework, please complete the worksheet if you have not already. Also, I want you to create your own 95 Theses, except this time I want you to do it on issues you have because you are a teenager. Remember that you only have to complete 20 theses and they should be general for all teenagers. If you can, please make it look nice (i.e., type it or put it on construction paper). We will discuss both of these assignments in the beginning of class on Wednesday.
Our first quiz is scheduled for Wednesday also. Please study your notes, homework assignments, and worksheets. If you have any questions, please email me or see me during the co-curricular periods.
Lastly, if you have not done so already, please hand in your AUP forms! Thank you!
~Mr. Mazur
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