Thursday, February 27, 2014

B Day: Irish Potato Famine Questions

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed the causes and consequences of the Irish Potato Famine.  We then began to read primary and secondary sources in order to determine who was more to blame for the famine: the British or the Irish.  For homework, please read the packet and answer the questions on the bottom of each page.  Remember that if you do not understand the sources, you must email me or see me during co-curricular tomorrow or Monday.

Furthermore, your next current event (Africa) is due on next Friday.  Below is the list of countries that each student has.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great and safe weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Periods 7-8 (B Day):

AMANDA B.:  Guinea
MADELEINE B.:  Cameroon
PETER B.:  Gabon
PABLO C.:  Togo
JESSICA D.:  Namibia
ISABELLA D.:  Republic of the Congo
ALYSSA E.:  Uganda
HARMONY G.:  Gambia
HANNA-LEE H.:  Zambia
OBEHIOYE I.:  Nigeria
OLIVIA J.:  Morocco
MELANIE K.: Sierra Leone
YSAN M.-  Ivory Coast
MELANIE R.:  Guinea-Bissau
MADISON R.:  South Sudan
EMMA R.:  Algeria
BRIAN S.:  Liberia
MANUELA S.:  Rwanda
ANTHONY T.:  Mauritania
ALEXA W.:  Burkina Faso

Periods 9-10 (B Day):

AMBER B.:  Ghana
BRIANNA B.:  Equatorial Guinea
BRYNN H.:  Senegal
TAMIA H.:  Ethiopia
ALLISON L.:  Central African Republic
OLIVIA R.:  Tanzania
TOMAS R.:  South Africa
GIANNA T.:  Botswana
ALEXIS Z.:  Libya

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