Friday, November 21, 2014

A Day (Periods 3-4, 7-8): Age of Reason Debate

Hello everyone!  This is a reminder that your DBQ is due on Tuesday.  Furthermore, we will be participating in two informal debates during the class.  Your responsibility is to research the topics below and come in prepared with researched materials that will help you in the debate.  I will check to make sure that everyone comes in with materials.  Below are the topics and the direction each debate will go.  Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.  Good luck!

Issue #1:  Use of Torture/Cruel and Unusual Punishment
1.)  Should cruel and unusual punishment be used for certain criminals?
2.)  Should torture ever be used by the U.S. government (i.e., torturing terrorists to extract information)?
3.)  Is the death penalty "cruel and unusual punishment" and should it be used in certain cases?

Issue #2:  Should the Use of Vaccinations and Medicines be Required, Regardless of Religious Beliefs?
1.)  Should people be forced to get vaccinations for contagions such as the flu?
2.)  If a child is direly sick, should the parents be forced to take him/her to the hospital to receive treatment, regardless of religious beliefs and practices?

~Mr. Mazur

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