Hello everyone. Over the last two days, we discussed the history of the United Kingdom's parliament and we compared and contrasted the structure of Parliament with the United States Congress. We also began to look at primary sources relating to the rights of Englishmen. Over the next week, we will be writing a Document-Based Question (DBQ) based upon the influence of these documents on our own American founding documents (i.e., Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights). This paper will be due next week.
For homework, please finish reading the documents and complete an outline on how you are going to format/structure your paper. If you have any questions, feel free to email me. I will be available during 6th period in the Junior Lounge (APA) if you have any questions. Thank you and have a great day!
~Mr. Mazur
P.S.- There will be an open-notebook quiz during the next class. Your test will be on November 20 (B) and November 21 (A). I will provide you with a study guide during the next class.
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