Friday, November 8, 2013

History Board Game and Notebook Check

Hello everyone!  I hope everyone's break is going swell and that everyone is working diligently on their projects!  Your projects will be due on Monday (A) and Tuesday (B) of this upcoming week.  We will spend about 2 minutes per group presenting each game.  After presentations, we will play the games and complete our post-assessment on our participation within the project.

Furthermore, you will be handing in your notebooks for your notebook check after class.  Your notebooks must be organized and should adhere to the guidelines that I have set for the class.  Please remember that I have asked you to complete notes and certain way and if the notes are not organized in the correct manner, your grade will reflect this.  These are the questions I will answer about each notebook:

1.)  Does the notebook have all of the notes and are the organized chronologically?
2.)  Does the notebook have all of the worksheets and objectives and are they organized chronologically?
3.)  Does the notes follow the outline format?
4.)  Does the student elaborate on the notes within the outline format?
5.)  Does the student complete the worksheets and discussion questions fully and to the best of their ability?

The notebook check will be worth 20 points and will be counted as a quiz grade on the 2nd Marking Period.

Below I have listed the topics discussed within each class.  Please be advised that the titles of each lesson may not be the same title in the outlines and/or topics may not have outlines within your notebooks (they may be on worksheets).  Furthermore, other topics may have been learned through homework assignments or worksheets.  Even if you were absent, you are still responsible for the work or notes that you have missed.

Lesson 1:  Intro to the Italian Renaissance
Lesson 2:  Renaissance Artistic Changes
Lesson 3:  Role of the Medici (some classes)
Lesson 4:  Spread of the Renaissance
Lesson 5:  Reformation Begins
Lesson 6:  Reformation Spreads
Lesson 7:  Catholic Reformation
Lesson 8:  Aztec Empire
Lesson 9:  Ottoman Empire
Lesson 10:  Ming Dynasty
Lesson 11:  Mughal Empire
Lesson 12:  Age of Exploration Begins
Lesson 13:  Explorers of the Age of Exploration
Lesson 14:  Fall of the Aztec Empire
Lesson 15:  Europe Establishes Colonies
Lesson 16:  Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

Please email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

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