Hello everyone. Yesterday we assessed the motivations of explorers during the Age of Exploration. We read primary sources and analyzed the technology and living conditions for the ships during this time period. For homework, you are to create a journal entry (within your own journals) from the perspective of a Portuguese crew member during the Age of Exploration. Please remember that you must be creative and it must not restate the facts learned in class. You should give your entry personality. Also, you should focus on your motivations for the voyage and what you encounter on board the caravel. The entry should be at least 2 paragraphs long.
Furthermore, your current events assignment will be due on Tuesday. Find a current event that reminds you of a topic that we have discussed. Print out the article, read it, and complete the Connections Worksheet that I handed out during class. You must attach the article to the worksheet and hand it in on Tuesday. Please email me if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great day!
~Mr. Mazur
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