Thursday, January 29, 2015

A Day (Periods 3-4, 7-8): Simon Wiesenthal

Hello everyone!  For homework, please finish the two assignments that we began in class.  They should be finished and shared to me by 8 A.M. on Monday.  The assignments are:

Google Presentation:
5 Slide Minimum
Must include a Title Page
Must include a Bibliography (MLA format)
Must include information on the life of Simon Wiesenthal (before, during, and after the Holocaust)

Google Document:
1.)  What issues do you believe Holocaust survivors faced after being liberated from concentration or extermination camps?
2.)  If you could ask a Holocaust survivor 3 questions, what would they be?
3.)  If you were to evaluate Tom Dugan’s acting performance in “Wiesenthal,” what would you be looking for during the show?
4.)  If you were to ask Dugan 3 questions about his performance in the show, what would they be?

Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Day: Industrial Revolution Writing Assignment

Hello everyone.  This is just a reminder that your homework is to complete the chart for our thesis on whether the Industrial Revolution had more positive or negative effects on society.  I will check the assignment during Friday's class.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, January 12, 2015

A Day: Child Labor

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed the working conditions within the factories during the Industrial Revolution.  We also discussed why women and children were employed for jobs during the time period.  Lastly, we compared and contrasted child labor during the Industrial Revolution to child labor today.  We will continue this discussion during Wednesday's class.

For homework, I have given everyone a worksheet to complete.  Please find a reliable video (via You Tube or elsewhere on the Internet) relating to child labor today.  The video must be longer than 4 minutes.  Watch the video and complete the worksheet provided.

Please also remember that you will have an open-notebook quiz next class.  The quiz will be based on all information learned about the Industrial Revolution thus far.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me over the weekend.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

P.S.-  Your extra credit will also be due on Wednesday's class.

Friday, January 9, 2015

B Day: Child Labor

Hello everyone!  Today we discussed the working conditions within the factories during the Industrial Revolution.  We also discussed why women and children were employed for jobs during the time period.  Lastly, we compared and contrasted child labor during the Industrial Revolution to child labor today.  We will continue this discussion during Tuesday's class.

For homework, I have given everyone a worksheet to complete.  Please find a reliable video (via You Tube or elsewhere on the Internet) relating to child labor today.  The video must be longer than 4 minutes.  Watch the video and complete the worksheet provided.

Please also remember that you will have an open-notebook quiz next class.  The quiz will be based on all information learned about the Industrial Revolution thus far.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me over the weekend.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, January 8, 2015

All Classes: Urbanization

Hello everyone.  For the past two days, we discussed the effects of population growth and urbanization.  You also began to work on a packet relating to the rise of cities and cholera outbreaks that happened during the Industrial Revolution.  If you have not done so, please finish this packet for homework.

Furthermore, I provided you with an extra credit assignment.  If you choose to complete the extra credit, you can earn up to 4 points on a test.  However, the assignment must be creative and thought out.  If you would like the assignment, please stop by my classroom.  The assignment is due on Tuesday (B Day) and Wednesday (A Day).

You will have a quiz relating to the Industrial Revolution on Tuesday (B Day) or Wednesday (A Day).  I will provide you with a study guide for our midterms during the next class.  Lastly, you will be turning in your notebooks during the midterms for our 2nd Marking Period Notebook Check.

Please email me if you have any questions. Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, January 5, 2015

B Day: Population Growth

Hello everyone!  Today we analyzed the causes and effects of technological innovations during the Industrial Revolution.  We also analyzed the different inventions and methods made during the time period.  One aspect of the Industrial Revolution that I mentioned is the drastic change in population growth.  The Industrial Revolution allowed most people to live past childhood and the world population drastically increased.  Today, we have over 7 billion people within the world.  To prove this point, I have posted 2 videos about the topic.  For homework, please watch both of them and write a paragraph or two on the following:
1.)  What are your thoughts on the information presented within the 2 videos?
2.)  Do you believe that population growth will be an issue within your lifetime (according to sources, we will hit 10 billion within the next 90 years? What will the consequences be if there are issues?  Explain by providing details to support your argument.


Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.  Do not email me the assignment.  You can hand-write the assignment or type it (but if you type it, you MUST print it out).  We will discuss your findings during the next class and analyze living conditions and the rise of cities (urbanization).  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur