Monday, November 29, 2010

Columbian Exchange homework

Hey everyone! For homework, everyone must read pp. 571-574 and answer in one paragraph the impact the Columbian Exchange had on Europeans and Native Americans.

We will start the next class reviewing the successes and failures of colonies and then we will begin the discussion on the Columbian Exchange and the need for labor in the colonies.

Reminder- DBQ final drafts are due on Thursday (B Day) and Friday (A Day). Make sure your DBQ is typed!

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

DBQ Final Draft and Current Events

Hey everyone! Have a Happy Thansgiving!

Remember for the Period 7-8 A Day class and the 9-10 B day class: current events and connection sheets are due to me on Monday when we get back.

The final drafts of the DBQ are due on Thursday (B Day) and Friday (A Day). If you have any questions, email me. You can always see me during co-curricular if you want help rewriting your paper!


~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Hey everyone. You are to read pp. 554-558 in your textbooks and take notes over the weekend. Then please answers #4-5, 7-8 on p. 559.

We will be collecting this next week. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Remember, there will be a quiz on Monday (B Day) and Tuesday (A Day). Also, current events are due on the Monday after Thanksgiving (Period 9-10- Monday; Period 7-8 A Day-Tuesday).

~Mr. Mazur

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Hey everyone. Just a reminder that we will be having a quiz assessing everything we learned thus far in the unit (economics, the Mongols, the Black Death, the Juan and Ming Dynasties, and European trade). Please study. Remember that if you have any questions, please email me, see me during co-curricular, or set up an appointment to meet me during my lunch.

Also, current events are going to be due for the Periods 7-8 B day classes on Thursday, November 18. For the Periods 9-10 class, the current event and the connection sheet are due on Tuesday, November 30. For the Periods 7-8 A day classes, the current event and connection sheet is due on Monday, November 29.

Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, November 8, 2010

Portuguese Sailor Letter

Hey everyone! Again, the homework is to write a letter as if you are a Portugeuse sailor writing a letter to your family back at home. You are telling them how new inventions (those you wrote in the chart) are making your voyage less dangerous than it already is. This is worth a homework grade. Make sure you answer the question fully and make it in letter format.

Also, remember that your DBQ rough draft is due on Thursday (A Day) and Friday (B Day). If you have any questions, email me.

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Homework over the break

Hey everyone. Just a reminder that your next current event is due on the day we come back from break. Remember to staple the current event to the connection sheet. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO EMAIL ME THE WEBSITE. Also, if you do not have a connection sheet, please email me and I will email it to you.

The notebook quiz we had over the break was a wake up call for many of us that we need to organize our notebooks better. Therefore, I am not grading the quizzes YET. I will give you over the break to get the notes, DO NOWs, and handouts that you have missed. On the day we come back, I will redistribute the quizzes and you can fix your answers. PLEASE REMEMEBER THAT THIS IS THE ONLY TIME I AM DOING THIS. There will be no second chance next notebook quiz!

For the Periods 7-8 classes: Your rough draft for the DBQ is going to be due on next Wednesday. Make sure you follow the directions. Periods 9-10 will have it due as soon as they get the question.

For the 7-8 (A) class: If you did not finish the last slide, just know (and write in your notebook) that the last reason for European expansion was GOLD. As you know, trade increased after the Crusades because there was more of a demand for Eastern goods. Also, the new monarchs and merchants wanted more money, especially since the Italians dominated all the land trade routes since they were geographically the gateway between the East and the West. Therefore, eastern goods were sold to the Italians, who in turn sold the products throughout Europe. Other Europeans did not like this because the Italians charged a lot more that the Europeans wanted. Therefore, Europeans began to look for new trade routes to Asia BY SEA. Shipbuilding became a main priority of these places.

Have a great break everyone!

~Mr. Mazur

Monday, November 1, 2010

Period 7-8 (A): Ming Dynasty

Hey everyone. Just a reminder about some of the things we talked about in class. We continued talking about Mongolian rule, specifically on Kublai Khan and the Yuan Dynasty. We talked about how this opened up trade with the West. We also explained why the dynasty fell.
For homework, you are to:
2.) Read pp. 536-539 and answer the following questions: What was so significant about Zheng He's journeys? Why did he stop? What was the Ming Dynasty's foreign policy after Zheng He's journeys?
3.) Search for the current event and finish the connection sheet by Monday, November 9.

~Mr. Mazur