Friday, January 31, 2014

A Day: Child Labor Letter

Hello everyone.  Today we discussed the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution and the rise of factories.  We analyzed the living and working conditions during the time period, and we focused on the usage of child labor at the time.  We also compared and contrasted child labor from the Industrial Revolution and today.

For homework, you are to research a specific company that has used child labor and write a letter to that company stating your thoughts on its practices.  Grammar and spelling will be checked.  This assignment should be about 1-3 paragraphs.  Please put the sources that you used on the bottom of the document.  Only use reliable sites or sources for this assignment.  No Wikipedia or

Please email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

B Day: Population Growth, Urbanization, and Geography

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we discussed the positive and negative consequences of technological advancements.  We analyzed a summary of the Industrial Revolution and then compared it to the current Digital Age.  We then discussed/debated whether these advancements helped or hurt society.

One of the consequences of technological advancements during the Industrial Revolution was population growth, the rise of factories, and urbanization (the movement of people into the cities).  With these consequences came overcrowding, the spread of disease, pollution, and a lack of healthy living conditions for many British citizens.  For homework, you are to read the packet that I handed out and complete the questions relating to the primary sources.  Please note that some of the political cartoons within the packet are hard to see.  However, you should try your best to answer the questions.  NEVER LEAVE A QUESTION BLANK.  If you have any questions, you can always email me.

Furthermore, next week begins our Geography unit.  As stated in class, we will focus on geographical topics in the first 15-20 minutes at the beginning and the end of the week.  Mondays and Tuesdays will focus on map labeling and Thursdays and Fridays will focus on current events/culture of the countries on the continent given.  Each student will be given a specific country to research for the discussion at the end of the week.  The students must fill in the worksheet given and each student must use reliable sources in order to get their information (i.e., no Wikipedia,, etc.).  Next week we will begin with North America.  Below is the list of students and the nations that they must research before next Thursday.

Periods 7-8 (B Day):

AMANDA B.:  Mexico
PETER B.:  Guatemala
PABLO C.:  Cuba
JESSICA D.:  Haiti
ISABELLA D.:  Dominican Republic
ALYSSA E.:  Honduras
HARMONY G.:  El Salvador
HANNA-LEE H.:  Nicaragua
OBEHIOYE I.:  Costa Rica
OLIVIA J.:  Panama
MELANIE K.: Jamaica
YSAN M.-  Bahamas
MELANIE R.:  Belize
MADISON R.:  Barbados
EMMA R.:  Saint Lucia
BRIAN S.:  Grenada
MANUELA S.:  Antigua
ANTHONY T.:  Mexico
ALEXA W.:  Canada

Periods 9-10 (B Day):

AMBER B.:  Barbados
BRIANNA B.:  Honduras
BRYNN H.:  Haiti
TAMIA H.:  Nicaragua
ALLISON L.:  Dominica
OLIVIA R.:  Dominican Republic
TOMAS R.:  Canada
GIANNA T.:  Guatemala
ALEXIS Z.:  Cuba

Email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Day: Population Growth, Urbanization, and Geography

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we discussed the positive and negative consequences of technological advancements.  We analyzed a summary of the Industrial Revolution and then compared it to the current Digital Age.  We then discussed/debated whether these advancements helped or hurt society.

One of the consequences of technological advancements during the Industrial Revolution was population growth, the rise of factories, and urbanization (the movement of people into the cities).  With these consequences came overcrowding, the spread of disease, pollution, and a lack of healthy living conditions for many British citizens.  For homework, you are to read the packet that I handed out and complete the questions relating to the primary sources.  Please note that some of the political cartoons within the packet are hard to see.  However, you should try your best to answer the questions.  NEVER LEAVE A QUESTION BLANK.  If you have any questions, you can always email me.

Furthermore, next week begins our Geography unit.  As stated in class, we will focus on geographical topics in the first 15-20 minutes at the beginning and the end of the week.  Mondays and Tuesdays will focus on map labeling and Thursdays and Fridays will focus on current events/culture of the countries on the continent given.  Each student will be given a specific country to research for the discussion at the end of the week.  The students must fill in the worksheet given and each student must use reliable sources in order to get their information (i.e., no Wikipedia,, etc.).  Next week we will begin with North America.  Below is the list of students and the nations that they must research before next Thursday.

Periods 3-4 (A Day):

SAMANTHA B.:  Panama
AGNES C.:  Honduras
DAPHNE C.:  Guatemala
STEFANO C.:  Haiti
EMILY D.:  Bahamas
KIRA E.:  Saint Lucia
SAMANTHA F.:  Canada
LUIS G.:  Nicaragua
ANTHONY H.:  Bahamas
ERIN K.:  Mexico
AMIA L.:  Jamaica
DANIELLA M.: Barbados
ANGELYS P.-  Belize
SHANNON T.:  El Salvador
ASHLEY V.:  Grenada
SKYLAR V.:  Dominican Republic
DESTINY W.:  Costa Rica
ALEXANDER Z.::  Mexico

Periods 7-8 (A Day):

BRIAN C.:  Barbados
MADISON G.:  Bahamas
ELIZABETH H.:  Saint Lucia
ERIN H.:  Mexico
KATHRYN K.:  Canada
SAUNIQ L.:  Haiti
KYAIRAA L:  Honduras
ANISTON M.:  El Salvador
MARY BETH R.:  Costa Rica
ETHAN S.:  Belize
LARISSA V.:  Guatemala
ALIX W.:  Cuba

Periods 9-10 (A Day): 

VALERIA A.:  Mexico
JASMINE B.:  Canada
ERIC C.:  Guatemala
MAE D.:  Haiti
NAOMI F.:  Dominican Republic
CYNTHIA H.:  Honduras
SAMANTHA H.:  El Salvador
RICKY L.:  Nicaragua
KAZI N.:  Costa Rica
BRUCE P.:  Panama
JONATHON R.:  Jamaica
ANTHONY R.:  Bahamas
KYLE R.:  Belize
BRENDAN S.:  Barbados
DONASIA W.:  Saint Lucia
ATACAN Z.:  Grenada

Email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Notebook Check

Hello everyone!  I hope everyone's midterms went well!  Please remember that you will be handing in your notebooks during your next class.  Your notebooks must be organized and should adhere to the guidelines that I have set for the class.  Please remember that I have asked you to complete notes and certain way and if the notes are not organized in the correct manner, your grade will reflect this.  These are the questions I will answer about each notebook:

1.)  Does the notebook have all of the notes and are the organized chronologically?
2.)  Does the notebook have all of the worksheets and objectives and are they organized chronologically?
3.)  Does the notes follow the outline format?
4.)  Does the student elaborate on the notes within the outline format?
5.)  Does the student complete the worksheets and discussion questions fully and to the best of their ability?

The notebook check will be worth 20 points and will be counted as a quiz grade on the 2nd Marking Period.

Below I have listed the topics discussed within each class.  Please be advised that the titles of each lesson may not be the same title in the outlines and/or topics may not have outlines within your notebooks (they may be on worksheets).  Furthermore, other topics may have been learned through homework assignments or worksheets.  Even if you were absent, you are still responsible for the work or notes that you have missed.

Lesson 17:  Absolute Monarchies
Lesson 18:  English Monarchy and Parliament
Lesson 19: Scientific Revolution
Lesson 20:  Enlightenment
Lesson 21:  American Revolution
Lesson 22:  Causes of the French Revolution
Lesson 23:  Mob Mentality and the French Revolution
Lesson 24:  Reign of Terror
Lesson 25:  Napoleon Bonaparte
Lesson 26:  Congress of Vienna
Lesson 27:  Other Revolutions and Revolts

Please email me if you have any questions.

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Day: French Revolution Test

Hello everyone.  Please remember that your test is this upcoming Thursday (next class).  The study guide will be due on the same day.  Remember that you have plenty of opportunities for extra help if you need it.  If you have any questions, please email me or see me during the co-curricular periods (I will be in the Junior Lounge tomorrow during 6th and my classroom Thursday during 5th).  I can also stay after school if you need extra help.  There is no reason why you should not be successful on this test with all these opportunities for extra help!  Good luck studying!

~Mr. Mazur

B Day: Revolutions in the Arts

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we worked in groups to analyze various other revolutions caused by the political turmoil of the 19th century.  We analyzed various Latin American revolutions, revolts throughout Europe, and the unification of Germany and Italy.  We will review these concepts during next class.

For homework, please read Chapter 24 Section 4 and complete the worksheet on the reading.  Also remember that your French Revolution test will be this Friday.  The study guide will be due on the same day.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Thank you and have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

Friday, January 10, 2014

A Day: Revolution in the Arts

Hello everyone!  Today we worked in groups to analyze various other revolutions caused by the political turmoil of the 19th century.  We analyzed various Latin American revolutions, revolts throughout Europe, and the unification of Germany and Italy.  We will review these concepts during next class.

For homework, please read Chapter 24 Section 4 and complete the worksheet on the reading.  Also remember that your French Revolution test will be this Thursday.  The study guide will be due on the same day.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Thank you and have a great weekend!

~Mr. Mazur

B Day: Congress of Vienna

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we evaluated the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte and the role of heroes and villains throughout world history.  For homework, please read Chapter 23 Section 5 and complete the worksheet that you picked up during class.  Also remember to begin studying for your test (Friday) and complete the study guide before that day.  Please email me with any questions that you may have.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Day: Congress of Vienna

Hello everyone!  Yesterday we evaluated the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte and the role of heroes and villains throughout world history.  For homework, please read Chapter 23 Section 5 and complete the worksheet that you picked up during class.  Also remember to begin studying for your test (Thursday) and complete the study guide before that day.  Please email me with any questions that you may have.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

B Day: Napoleon Creates an Empire

Hello everyone.  Please remember to read Chapter 23 Section 3 within your textbooks and answer #1-8 at the end of the section.  Also remember that the unit test will be on Friday, January 17.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur

A Day: Napoleon Creates an Empire

Hello everyone.  Please remember to read Chapter 23 Section 3 within your textbooks and answer #1-8 at the end of the section.  Also remember that the unit test will be on Thursday, January 16.  Have a great day!

~Mr. Mazur